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Temat: English for Project Managers Training


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Training description

This highly energetic and enthusiastic workshop is designed to give the participants a greater appreciation of the benefits of project management and of working as part of a project team. The goal of the training is to enable the participants to plan and control their own work, be focused towards the achievement of business objectives and produce more positive outcomes. We will strip away the mystique and jargon and give simple project techniques that can be applied immediately in your workplace to improve your personal effectiveness and increase the success of your key initiatives. You will learn by actually managing realistic case studies and getting personal feedback. By the time you get to the end of this training you will understand not only what a project is but also what you need to do to successfully plan, manage and control it. The aim of the training is to give you the knowledge which will enable you to return to work with new skills that and apply them immediately.

The training is intended for

* All professionals who work with others to deliver business change, products or services to tight deadlines and want to learn the secrets of success
* Experienced project managers and anyone who just needs to understand what project management is and only has two days to do it

The training has been designed to make you

* Understand how to structure a project for success
* Understand the importance of communication in achieving project objectives
* Develop a comprehensive tool-kit for successful project management that you can use immediately
* Confront real-life project problems using experience gained from hands-on classroom challenges
* Bring new ideas to your organization and implement them
* Network to find out how your peers handle projects in organizations
* Address project management challenges with increased knowledge and confidence

Subjects covered doing the training are

* Project Planning - Techniques for clarifying and dealing with department managers in the early stages of a project. These techniques are meant to help the participants to define exactly what deliverables their projects have to produce.

* Gathering Requirements - This session explains the techniques for unearthing requirements from department managers and explains how to convert their wishes and wants into clear outcomes.

* Project Plan and Charter - In this part, the participants focus on describing all the project elements, such as risks and the resources. The session also covers practical techniques for preparing an effective presentation of the project plan to get the support needed.

* Work Breakdown Structure and Task Listing - In this module, the tools and techniques of building a project schedule are discussed.

* Crafting the Best Plan & Getting it Approved - The section is devoted to drilling deeper into the techniques for making the best use of team members’ skills and availability to shorten the project duration.

* Team Leadership & Managing Conflict - This element refers to leading teams and handling the conflicts that arise on most projects.

* Tracking Progress and Reporting Status – The best techniques to use in gathering and reporting project progress with recommendations for handling variances.

Training methods

A highly energetic, enthusiastic and interactive workshop consisting of: case studies, role-plays, mini-lectures, discussions, group work, brainstorming, and video workshops.

Additional information

Czas trwania szkolenia

16 godzin, 2 dni szkolenia.

Terminy szkolenia na rok 2008:

I termin: 4-5 wrzesień, II termin: 9-10 październik

Cena szkolenia

Uczestnictwo 1 osoby (2 dni szkolenia) 1450,00 PLN.
Każda piąta osoba reprezentująca tę samą firmę uczestniczy w szkoleniu bezpłatnie.

Cena szkolenia otwartego obejmuje

* serwis kawowy
* lunche
* materiały szkoleniowe
* certyfikaty ukończenia szkolenia.

Informacje o trenerze, zapytania dotyczące programu i metod szkoleniowych, formularze zgłoszeniowe, notka biograficzna trenera:

The English Cocktail
ul. Okrzei 32
03-710 Warszawa
tel. + 48 22 670 43 33
fax. + 48 22 670 43 33 wew. 28