Katarzyna Kraus

Katarzyna Kraus Technical Writer,
Erlang Solutions

Temat: Erlang User Group meeting - 19.09

Zapraszamy na spotkanie grupy użytkowników Erlanga, które odbędzie się 19 września na ulicy Szpitalnej 38/3a.
Zainteresowanych prosimy o rejestrowanie się na meetupie.

Temat spotkania to: Mongoose - Citizen of the World (Wide Web)

"Piotr Nosek will demonstrate how to embed a chat in Wordpress.
MongooseIM is an Erlang-based implementation of the XMPP server. It provides a base platform for building messaging systems and has been successfully deployed and used for serving millions of online users.
Talk will cover the theory of MongooseIM+Website integration, including available communication channels (BOSH, Websockets) and usage of custom authentication tokens.
Case study will involve Erlang Central Cafe and demo of quick chat embedding in Wordpress.

There will be cookies."