Katarzyna Kraus

Katarzyna Kraus Technical Writer,
Erlang Solutions

Temat: Erlang User Group meeting - 11.12 "Hack your own Erlang...

Zapraszamy do udziału w drugiej części cyklu spotkań “Hack your own Erlang VM” Grupy Krakowskich Użytkowników Erlanga.

During the second meeting I’m going to compare the mechanisms of stack-based and register-based virtual machines.

I will also describe the details of how the bytecode execution of our factorial module works.

Later we will improve on our VM implementation by readressing labels and adding the interpreter of the source code.

If you haven’t implemented the previous features you will be able to continue using other Erlang solutions.

Chętnych prosimy o rejestrowanie się na meetupie: