Temat: Smiling in English, Intercultural Support Group - looking...

zapraszam do zapoznania się z ciekawą inicjatywą na rzecz integracji emigrantów na Malcie.

Smiling in English, Intercultural Support Group

Help migrants and refugees through our project of Intercultural Support Group, "Smiling in English ! ".

Group of volunteers, integration support for people living in Open-Closed Centres (Malta), promotion of sustainable solutions based on solidarity & equality.

Our objectives:

Promote sustainable solutions such as English courses and moral support in Open and Closed Centres, based on solidarity and equality.

Where and when can you help?

We are currently working in a Open Centre in the south of Malta but our wish is to work in more centres.
Each volunteer can indicate their own availability on a calendar shared between volunteers.

How can you help?

You can help in teaching …
Pronunciation, Listening, Reading

…through different subjects such as
European culture and society, integration…

We currently organize our English conversations by teams of 4-5 volunteers. These courses are innovative and creative, separate tables are for different levels of ability and migrants tend to form groups of Somali, Tigrigna, and French native speakers. Each volunteer chooses his own way of teaching by using available tools (picture books, maps, dictionaries, English student books, whiteboards…) or simply in making conversation.

Our campaign :

This is where we need your help. We've already identified 7,000 migrants and refugees that would need English courses, moral support, health guidance, training to write CV's and covering letters. All the money we raise through this campaign will go towards purchasing supplies, billboards, markers, clothes, shoes, oil for our car etc.

We are asking you to join us in this step towards organizing those English courses in Open and Closed Centres in Malta. For every level of involvement, you will receive a THANK YOU from us. At the very minimum, your name will be recognized forever on a list that will appear in the centres in which English courses are given.


* 100€/month will allow us to go to the centres every day, with an average of 30Km travel per day.
* 2€ = a billboard marker
* 15€ = 1 English book

Excited? Here’s how you can help.

Get the word out! Just as much as your support, we want your tweets, Facebook posts, calls and messages to your friends and family members. We need to join forces to create a movement for positive change, and every voice helps add to the reach of our message.

Vist: https://www.facebook.com/groupofvolunteerssupportforpeople