Hubert L.

Hubert L. Technology Transfer
Manager at

Temat: IBB PAN - International PhD Programme in Molecular Biology


PhD projects will be realized in the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences or in the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, in collaboration with a number of foreign partner institutions.

19 PhD students will be selected by means of an open international competition available to Polish and foreign applicants holding an MSc degree (or equivalent) in life sciences or a related field obtained within 5 years before the call. Recruitment procedure is open to final year undergraduates who expect to receive such a degree before October 1, 2010. First year PhD students may apply for the second year of PhD international program and present a transcript from the previous scientific institution(s) in which they attended the PhD studies.
Two rounds of admission are foreseen.

* 19 four-year PhD projects available in four major areas of molecular biology:
1. DNA metabolism
2. RNA biogenesis and its control
3. mechanisms of cellular signalling and trafficking
4. applied molecular biology

* Long-term visit(s) to foreign partner laboratories (6-24 months)
* Multidisciplinary training Fellowship: 3500-5000 PLN/month (900-1200 Euro/month)
* Starting date: October 2010

Recruitment of PhD students starts in April 2010. Interviews will be held at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the end of May 2010. Candidates should hold a Master of Science degree (or equivalent) obtained not later than October 1, 2010. Deadline for application submission: May 5, 2010 List of required documents and detailed recruitment procedures are described here.

For additional information please contact: L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.03.10 o godzinie 19:46