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No, but when cars park and they block the garage so I can't get out they're mine :)

(technically at the bank, I guess it is, though).

I like your Greece picture :)))Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.10.08 o godzinie 11:44

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Do the Amish drive cars?

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I see them IN cars all the time...where I have a home usually they're with horse and buggy or wagons. Yesterday I saw 10 of them pile into a van leaving a Burger King. :)

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you serious?

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I don't know for sure but I suppose they're as fastidious as any others about norms.

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Ladies and gentlemen, just have a look at Jacek's photo & tell me what do you think about it?


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What about it. So he's a chiropractor. I mean, I wouldn't waste my time on one but he has a right to make a living :)

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Joj Y.:
What about it. So he's a chiropractor. I mean, I wouldn't waste my time on one but he has a right to make a living :)

Joj, what did you mean by saying chiropractor- A therapist who practices chiropractic which is basically a theoretical healing process based on the belief that health problems are caused by misalignment of vertebrae?

Or something else??

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The therapist thing you said. :)))

It was my dumb joke, but what do you think about it?

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Hehehehe ;)


My personal opinion is that, sry to say but the photo would look prettier without Mr. Jacek ;-)
It's so cruel, I know that!!!

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Cruel isn't enough...I emailed him. It's his conjoined twin sister. What a jerk, Łukasz.

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Joj Y.:
Cruel isn't enough...I emailed him. It's his conjoined twin sister. What a jerk, Łukasz.

Bloody buster I would say!!!Łukasz Klejment edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.10.08 o godzinie 14:01

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Łukasz Klejment:
Joj Y.:
Cruel isn't enough...I emailed him. It's his conjoined twin sister. What a jerk, Łukasz.

Bloody buster I would say!!!

This sort of profile photos is to be reported to GL management.

I'm afraid I wouldn't like him to pose as MY keyboard...
Not until he shaves this beard.

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He can't. He's blind. She's only helping him look for soemthing. I am worried about the thoughts you people are having. A keyboard? I don't see it. :)))

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Joj, so you actually wrote an email/PM to this... blind man?

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I'm torn.

Men with red sports cars are to be avoided. Yet this man is barefoot :)))Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.10.08 o godzinie 14:50

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Lidia K.:
Joj, so you actually wrote an email/PM to this... blind man?

ooops. I should start trying to remember what I have posted. I'm busted. I didn't really write to him. :)

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Lidia K.:
I'm torn.

Men with red sports cars are to be avoided. Yet this man is barefoot :)))Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.10.08 o godzinie 14:50

Who can afford shoes?

(avoid? RUN). :)

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Joj Y.:
(avoid? RUN). :)
RUN to or fro?

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to. :)

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