Temat: Your photo:

Adam L.:
OMG Adam, I forgot about you.

Temat: Your photo:

Ania S.:
matches the colour of your eyes, Lidia :)))

Really nice picture :)
thanks, Ania:)
it's a nice picture because I'm a nice girl :)
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Your photo:

it's a nice picture because I'm a nice girl :)

I'm not sure how purple is actually the purple in the t-shirt you're wearing, Lidia, but it does do you good! ;)

Temat: Your photo:

WOW, I can't complain of being unnoticed:D :D
Rafał Janta:
I'm not sure how purple is actually the purple in the t-shirt you're wearing, Lidia, but it does do you good! ;)
thanks, my friend:)
:D as you know, I'm always cheating with my pics!
the trick is not in the colour but in my smile I think;)

that's been my inspiration
do you like it?
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Your photo:

Lidia K.:
WOW, I can't complain of being unnoticed:D :D
Rafał Janta:
I'm not sure how purple is actually the purple in the t-shirt you're wearing, Lidia, but it does do you good! ;)
thanks, my friend:)
:D as you know, I'm always cheating with my pics!

Who doesn't?
the trick is not in the colour but in my smile I think;)

and you're also working on self-assurance. niiiice ;)
do you like it?

No, I don't. I think I'd need to drink more to like it.
Prefer your purple-enhanced t-shirt. It brights up so nicely my Co nowego? column now! ;D
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Your photo:

Bernd, what happended to your pic mate?
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Your photo:

They deleted it. Saying, it wouldn't fit the regulamin, since you have to look recognizable. Interesting, since many people seem to have weird pictures here.

Well, a new one is up. I hope you'll like it :))Bernd Schreckenberg edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.04.09 o godzinie 22:24
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Your photo:

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Well, a new one is up. I hope you'll like it :))
Would I be rude if I said "unfortunatelly I won't"?Katarzyna Marszalec edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.04.09 o godzinie 22:35
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Your photo:

Katarzyna Marszalec:
Bernd Schreckenberg:
Well, a new one is up. I hope you'll like it :))
Would I be rude if I said "unfortunatelly I don't"?Katarzyna Marszalec edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.04.09 o godzinie 22:31

No, of course not. It just reveals your poor taste ;-)
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

you look like a bloody mad scientist :D

a bit ;P

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

Bernd Schreckenberg:

No, of course not. It just reveals your poor taste ;-)

...Beaker??!! ;)Ola W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.04.09 o godzinie 22:53

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

Bernd Schreckenberg:
They deleted it. Saying, it wouldn't fit the regulamin, since you have to look recognizable. Interesting, since many people seem to have weird pictures here.

Well, a new one is up. I hope you'll like it :))Bernd Schreckenberg edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.04.09 o godzinie 22:24
Bernd, be careful when you put your fingers in the electricity :)))
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Your photo:

Andrzej S.:
you look like a bloody mad scientist :D

a bit ;P

I'm still up for this beer thing. How about it? Hm? I can show you around my lab, strap you in, a little fluid injection (yeah, right, read this as you like, queer! :P) and an electric topping afterwards.
Gnihihihihi (*silly laughter*)

@Guy: But it tastes soooo good. Hmmm. Like yellow, me. :)

@Ola: Yes, love? If you're nice, I let you touch my crown ;-))))Bernd Schreckenberg edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.04.09 o godzinie 08:24
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Andrzej S.:
you look like a bloody mad scientist :D

a bit ;P

I'm still up for this beer thing. How about it? Hm? I can show you around my lab, strap you in, a little fluid injection (yeah, right, read this as you like, queer! :P) and an electric topping afterwards.
Gnihihihihi (*silly laughter*)

Well, this weeks end seems ok for me, what says you?
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Your photo:

Andrzej S.:

Well, this weeks end seems ok for me, what says you?

Me goes on the big egg hunt. So noes :(
Maybes during weeks nexts? :) Or ends?
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

Maybe.. maybe ;))
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Your photo:

Btw, great new photo. Wehre dit ju tajk it?
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

Just beneath the deeper dungeon.
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Your photo:

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Me goes on the big egg hunt.

O_O what does it mean? does it regard any German Easter "Sitten und Bräuche"?

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

Bernd Schreckenberg:

@Ola: Yes, love? If you're nice, I let you touch my crown ;-))))Bernd Schreckenberg edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.04.09 o godzinie 08:24

I am far from being as charming as Miss Piggy, Bernd ;)

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