Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Your photo:

Joj Y.:
magnifying glass. :)))

you LITTLE monster ;-)

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Temat: Your photo:

Lidia K.:
On my computer disk:)
Felt too flashy
is it a flash disk?
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

One would have thought so...

Temat: Your photo:

Jarek A.:
Lidia K.:
On my computer disk:)
Felt too flashy
is it a flash disk?
nope, but I might use it as a torch one day:)

what is it like to see David, Jarek?
is there an urge to touch the perfect marble leg, for example?

did you notice that although David was a Jew, he's not circumcised as a statue?!!!

edit - typoLidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.02.09 o godzinie 17:16

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Temat: Your photo:

Lidia K.:
what is it like to see David, Jarek?
I'd have preferred Venus tbh.
is there an urge to touch the perfect marble leg, for example?
No, no urges on this end.
did you notice that although David was a Jew, he's not circumcised as a statute?!!!
That was the last 'bit' I was was looking at.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Your photo:

Since I see things... in black and white :)
No big story about this one ;o

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Temat: Your photo:

Bernd, your photo reminds me of David Bowie and his Berlin trilogy from the 80s. Good stuff.
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Your photo:

Sorry that I interrupt you...
Following the massive change in the way others see me by my changing the photo in my profile .....

(1) How recent is it?

was taken exactly 3 weeks ago

(2) Where was it taken?

at Flava's the pub where my group's got Salsa classes

(3) Who took it?

my husband

(4) Do you like it?

love it! (because it's at Flava's, I dance Salsa with my very best Salsa mate)

And the most important question .....

(5) Is it really 'you'?

yes, it's me :-)

I mean does it reflect your 'true' personality and appearance?Katarzyna Marszalec edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.02.09 o godzinie 21:50
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

Nice new pic Lee! :D

Temat: Your photo:

Andrzej S.:
Nice new pic Lee! :D
thanks, Andrzej! I needed something inconspicuous:)
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Your photo:

(1) How recent is it?

Last Saturday

(2) Where was it taken?

The Wrocław Opera House.
No, I'm not a frequent opera visitor. It was a charity ball I was invited to and the opera was a part of the event.

(3) Who took it?

A friend of mine.

(4) Do you like it?

Don't know. I guess I do if I have uploaded it here...

And the most important question .....

(5) Is it really 'you'?

Yep. However the circumstances are not that "mine";)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Your photo:

Are you that tall, Anetta?
Dam, another Polish lady who is (probably) taller than me...
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

how tall is THAT tall? :D
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Your photo:

Exactly! What do you mean Ilter?

But to answer your question - yes, I am tall :))

Temat: Your photo:

that's a true glamour pic, Anetta! :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Your photo:

She looks/ you look at least 180cm tall!
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Your photo:

Well, when I'm in my high-heeled shoes (which I love wearing!:) I may be around 180cm...
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Your photo:

OK, I can bear it, I liek it. :))

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Temat: Your photo:

1. Fall. A coyote gave its life to whatever cause it was in, and it needed a proper burial
2. Home
3. Nephew, Eric
4. Miss the weather
5. Not atypical
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Your photo:

Joj Y.:

Yeah, I agree, I've seen the very same photo over and over in GoldenLine many times.
I swear.

PS. Sorry to hear about the coyote.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.02.09 o godzinie 13:12

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