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Bernd Schreckenberg:
Bochum is in NRW, Nordrhein Westfalen. :)
Anywhere near Paderborn?

I spent 2 great weeks there in the winter of '95.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

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You're tahnking me because I made you feel better by beeing sick, Natalia?
I think I wouldn't be able to understand it even if I were healthy.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

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Jarek A.:
Bernd Schreckenberg:
Bochum is in NRW, Nordrhein Westfalen. :)
Anywhere near Paderborn?

I spent 2 great weeks there in the winter of '95.

Bochum, no. Me parents place, me place of born, yes :))

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ilter K.:
You're tahnking me because I made you feel better by beeing sick, Natalia?
I think I wouldn't be able to understand it even if I were healthy.

I've had this flu. Suddenly I felt better. Then I read you've got it. Somebody's gotta feel worse in order for somebody else to feel better.
Don't worry about it - maybe I'm not that well after all...

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Natalia Bartkowska:
I've had this flu. Suddenly I felt better.
I've noticed a particular bug going around there seems to be double barreled. It comes on, you get all this suck, then there's a short honeymoon period, then comes back with a vengeance. Dont give up your guard...you know what to do.

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Temat: Your photo:

Joj Y.:
Natalia Bartkowska:
I've had this flu. Suddenly I felt better.
I've noticed a particular bug going around there seems to be double barreled. It comes on, you get all this suck, then there's a short honeymoon period, then comes back with a vengeance. Dont give up your guard...you know what to do.

I on the other hand read somwhere that we have a HongKong flu pandemia around the corner..
Thanks, Joj, for the warning.

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J, I can tell by a mile that you hate being photographed :))
it's good to have some sunshine though

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You've made one hell of a progress in reading body language, L ;)

Temat: Your photo:

I'm hopeless at body language to be honest IRL
but you're a classic example of forced pics victim

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Guilty as charged.

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Natalia Bartkowska:
Joj Y.:
Natalia Bartkowska:
I on the other hand read somwhere that we have a HongKong flu pandemia around the corner..
Thanks, Joj, for the warning.
Hong Kong flu? You wish. So then my plan has hatched I see. Even I can't stop it now...
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Your photo:

Lidia K.:

I like your new pic. Really intriguing...;)
I also have some pictures that reveal almost as much as the one you've just uploaded :)Anetta M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.01.09 o godzinie 19:38

Temat: Your photo:

Anetta M.:
I like your new pic. Really intriguing...;)
thanks, it's a joke, just 4 tonite :D
I also have some pictures that reveal almost as much as the one you've just uploaded :)
well, it wasn't supposed to reveal anything, Anetta! ;)
go ahead, I'm sure we're curious about your revelations

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Aardvark akbar! Sounds like a mutual admiration society aka cuddly sisterhood. :) Still, instead of launching another photo barrage, I think both of you girls should go out and have some real fun. Come on, it's a Saturday night!

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and what's this real fun?
getting drunk with some morons?

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Lidia K.:
and what's this real fun?
getting drunk with some morons?

's that what u call yer friends? ;))

Temat: Your photo:

nope :D

but the notion of 'real fun' (clubbing, etc) is foreign and unknown to me

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Well, my standards of real fun are quite different... So I'm sorry about the morons and the drunkenness.

You can go out, have a chat with your friends over a glass of wine, receive admiring glances, dance with some guys, strut your stuff, flaunt it, the usual stuff. You'll return home a happy girl.

Compared with this so-called real fun, this picture bombardment campaign borders on masturbation.

edit: or was it exhibitionism?Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.01.09 o godzinie 19:53
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

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Thank you for your concern, Adam. I'm really touched.
Quite a good advice. Unfortunately, I still need to do some business stuff tonight.

Temat: Your photo:

i'd say it's none of your business Adam what i do in my free time
and masturbation is not prohibited yet, that's a free country

but i don't think i deserve such words from you

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