Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

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DO I notice pizza boxes behind? :P

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Lidia K.:
Natalia Bartkowska:
Back to my boring self again.
naturally you meant mysterious and intriguing?

Why yes, of course, dahling.
How many times can you mess around with your photo before they remove your profile?Natalia Bartkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.01.09 o godzinie 15:50

Temat: Your photo:

No, try again :D. After 5 'noes' you get a hint.

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Temat: Your photo:

Natalia Bartkowska:
OK. Who reported on me? ;)


Skasowaliśmy Twoje zdjęcie z powodu naruszenia Regulaminu.
welcome onboard
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

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Just wondering since I had a pizza today :P

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Marta Głowacka:
No, try again :D. After 5 'noes' you get a hint.

really small drawers?

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re. photos of small children, especially girls

a friend of mine has a daughter about 5 or 6
the girl is absolutely beautiful and really photogenic, like really really pretty
the thing is that my friend posts her daughter's numerous pics on a very popular website and this little girl is apparently encouraged to act like a model, with all the poses of an adult woman
I feel quite awkward about it, although it's nothing close to reporting as abuse or anything like that
more a matter of taste but a bit scary

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Andrzej S.:
DO I notice pizza boxes behind? :P
It has to be pizza boxes!!!!
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

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7 pizza boxes? :PAndrzej S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.01.09 o godzinie 15:58

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alternatively they could be boxes with lingerie

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so... if I posted my alternative self, they wouldn't have a problem with it, right..?


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Natalia Bartkowska:
Lidia K.:
Natalia Bartkowska:
Back to my boring self again.
naturally you meant mysterious and intriguing?

Why yes, of course, dahling.
How many times can you mess around with your photo before they remove your profile?Natalia Bartkowska edytował(a) ten
post dnia 28.01.09 o godzinie 15:50

Endlessly? You should have seen Halloween around here :D
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

Lidia K.:
alternatively they could be boxes with lingerie
maybe... but then again.. in office?

or wait.. it actually is good place for these :P
Natalia Bartkowska:


stop watching... meeeeeeeeeeeeeee 0______________o

Temat: Your photo:

Nice try, Natalia
But why would you like to distort your appearance this way?

Marta, get ready for the Valentine's Day!
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

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Oh I missed the boobs...

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ilter K.:
Oh I missed the boobs...

you name it, we got it.

Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

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Oh, that one!
That one I've seen.
But these are too small boobs.
They are rather hazelnuts.

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Temat: Your photo:

ilter K.:
Oh, that one!
That one I've seen.
But these are too small boobs.
They are rather hazelnuts.

You're one ungrateful Ilter.Natalia Bartkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.01.09 o godzinie 17:09

Temat: Your photo:

The boxes contain neither pizza nor lingerie. And I have never eaten more than 4 pizzas at a time anyway.

And I am getting ready for Valentines, L. :-). Lke you wouldn't believe :D
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

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Aahhhh those bloody valentines :D

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