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Lidia K.:
wedding pics are automatically classified as kitsch, no matter how weird the environment

Are they? What if they looked like this one:


Temat: Your photo:

I know, Marta, I know:)) thanks, it makes you stop and think!

but how fresh and creative one must be to have an unusual and meaningful (?) approach to this idea
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

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Marta Głowacka:
Lidia K.:
wedding pics are automatically classified as kitsch, no matter how weird the environment

Are they? What if they looked like this one:


Sweeeeneeeey Toooooddd
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Your photo:

i kinda feel you just need to be A LITTLE creative or have someone to be creative for yourself and the problem is solved and the wedding pics AND the wedding itself is not kitschy AT ALL.

ppl r just lazy, that's why in general you might consider most wedding pics awfully boring.
but it does not mean you need to be super extra open-minded to have something cooler than the average, really..
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

It takes an idea and a good photographer, that's all!

believe me as I'm am fairly experienced in the matter of weddings!

... :PAndrzej S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.01.09 o godzinie 13:07
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Your photo:

Lidia K.:

Andrzej, people who get married often have their photo sessions there, just in case...
In case of what?

Temat: Your photo:

Aleksandra P.:
In case of what?
In case someone needed an idea for a traditional photo session.
(he got it right I think)Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.01.09 o godzinie 13:05
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

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I got it right, I think.
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Your photo:

I see.
I never understood this crave for so called creative wedding pics.
But maybe it's because I never understood the crave for wedding itself.
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

I understand the craving for creative pics (wedding or not) much more than for the wedding itself as well.

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I had one once. But I have no pictures thank god.

Temat: Your photo:

Aleksandra P.:
I see.
I never understood this crave for so called creative wedding pics.
Hmmm... Where I come from the usual wedding pics scenery is the local skansen. For me it looks rather strange. People dressed up as newlyweds walk around old houses or pose in front of an old well or use the old tools to make butter...
That's why I think Japanese Gardens with their absolute elegance and tranquility are so much better:))
Plus I was promoting Wroclaw, it's that simple
But maybe it's because I never understood the crave for wedding itself.
Yes, that's a different story.Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.01.09 o godzinie 13:19
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

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Wrocław is a really great place.

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Temat: Your photo:

I steer clear of weddings.


As for wedding photos, I've already posted one of my authorship:


The weddings I've seen were either -

-- a result of pregnancy,
-- an experiment (a new guy after 8 years of a toxic relationship, can be divorced anyway),
-- desperation at a certain age (no-one else will want me etc)
-- a way to move to a foreign country (for village girls)

Strangely enough, I haven't witnessed any weddings for money, which simply is a testament to the fact that rich guys are too clever to be framed.Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.01.09 o godzinie 13:24

Temat: Your photo:

well, it takes two to have a wedding, doesn't it?
so many men have a problem to wear a suit and a tie
getting them to pose in some crazy environment wearing something they hate and getting them to dance is quite a nightmare for the happy and hopeful bride
but for me it's only theory haha!

Temat: Your photo:

Adam, what a funny pic!
Has the bride seen it?

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No, but most Japanese citizens have - courtesy of the two gentlemen in the background.
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Your photo:

Great pic Adam! :D

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Well, Adam, suppose you get married one day.
Where would be the photo session?
(I know you wouldn't but let's just pretend you would)

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Temat: Your photo:

Lidia K.:
Well, Adam, suppose you get married one day.
Where would be the photo session?
(I know you wouldn't but let's just pretend you would)

No, I can't get tricked into that one.

It would be black-and-white, delivered by registered mail, and the cost wouldn't exceed 500 PLN.

We'd simply zoom past a speed trap in a drophead coupé.Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.01.09 o godzinie 13:44

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