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Temat: Your photo:

Guy C.:

hahaha.. nah... I'd be pulling my hair out and banging my head against the wall if that was the case hahahaha...
Pls don't show that picture :) It's already scary enough :))

gee.. thnx! hahahaha

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

Rafal W.:
I'm trying to look smart... obviously it's not werking.
You look very intellectually, just like a professor of for example...philosophy???...
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Your photo:

Gosia, your photo reminds me my teenage excitements.
Walking on the beach with my favorite jeans and trainers in the late afternoon, smiling at girls, flirting. *sigh*

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Temat: Your photo:

Gosia Biłowicka:
Rafal W.:
I'm trying to look smart... obviously it's not werking.
You look very intellectually, just like a professor of for example...philosophy???...

haha... right... thnx... good try.

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

Nagged by a few people, I've finally changed the photo, hurrah.
Taken in December, lucky me.

Temat: Your photo:

Wow, I love reds!
Kamila G.:
Taken in December, lucky me.
Was this piece of information really necessary?????????

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

Lidia K.:
Wow, I love reds!
Kamila G.:
Taken in December, lucky me.
Was this piece of information really necessary?????????

Yes. I'm nasty.

Temat: Your photo:

Kamila G.:
Yes. I'm nasty.
heheheh, now I see... I remember you saying how many people are deceived by your innocent looks!!!

Temat: Your photo:

Jarek, are you ok?

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

im doing great, thank you.


Temat: Your photo:

I'm fine too.
I'm glad to see you actually have hair. Nice.

Temat: Your photo:

and yes, I do own a thesaurus!!!

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

(1) How recent is it?
pretty virgin, about 1 hr
(2) Where was it taken?
(3) Who took it?
my cellphone
(4) Do you like it?
one of them, i do
(5) Is it really 'you'?
it's a proof i too have hair


and yes it was edited, can you tell?

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

Lidia K.:
I'm fine too.
cool :)
I'm glad to see you actually have hair. Nice.
hahahaha i was actually typing about me having hair when you posted your post
and yes, I do own a thesaurus!!!
showoff! ;)
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Your photo:

@ Rafał Janta:

another great pic!

where's that at?

pozdrawiam :-)
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Your photo:

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
@ Rafał Janta:

another great pic!

where's that at?

pozdrawiam :-)

Thanks, Magda.
Qchnia Artystyczna, Warszawa. Last summer. :)
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: Your photo:

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska:
@ Rafał Janta:

another great pic!

Yeah, I agree. Quite a good photo :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Your photo:

You look like a true epicure in that picture, Rafal :)
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Your photo:

New Year's Eve - this year. I only smile like this for children and French people. ;)

Temat: Your photo:

Kari Wolk:
New Year's Eve - this year. I only smile like this for children and French people. ;)
looks real vintage!
are you wearing wings as well?

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