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You need an endocrinologist. NOW. :)))

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It`s getting cold, winter is coming so I`ve grown my hair out. That`s all.;)

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I'm growing my eyebrows and nose hair out.

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Let`s organise a competition when you come to Poland. The one with the longest nose hair is the winner. The prize: a tour around the Palace of Culture without a guide.

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hehe Okay but one small change..the winner with the longest nose hair gets Lidia for a guide/dinner friend, and all around admirer of the nose hair.
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

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'You, murderer!', the fish said.


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Rafał Janta:

'You, murderer!', the fish said.


haha yeah, you're right. I was trying and trying, but that little sucker got himself tangled in weeds and by the time I convinced him to come in he had swallowed the hook. He did get hurt pretty badly. I ate him. :)
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

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haha yeah, you're right. I was trying and trying, but that little sucker got himself tangled in weeds and by the time I convinced him to come in he had swallowed the hook. He did get hurt pretty badly. I ate him. :)

A murderer and a glutton :)

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Rafał Janta:
haha yeah, you're right. I was trying and trying, but that little sucker got himself tangled in weeds and by the time I convinced him to come in he had swallowed the hook. He did get hurt pretty badly. I ate him. :)

A murderer and a glutton :)
lol and I let someone cook it for me :)))
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

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lol and I let someone cook it for me :)))

a woman?

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Rafal, Joj is getting married to Ilter. All`s fixed.
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

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Violetta P.:
Rafal, Joj is getting married to Ilter. All`s fixed.

Ok, then he's not a sexist. Just a bloody glutton :)

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I was taking you along the road of all my sins...I killed it (unintentionally), ate it as a glutton, lazy and had someone cook it..., and more. :)))

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Joj Y.:
I was taking you along the road of all my sins...I killed it (unintentionally), ate it as a glutton, lazy and had someone cook it..., and more. :)))
*off to get peanuts and wait for the "more"*

Go on, Joj.

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Tatiana S.:
Joj Y.:
I was taking you along the road of all my sins...I killed it (unintentionally), ate it as a glutton, lazy and had someone cook it..., and more. :)))
*off to get peanuts and wait for the "more"*

Go on, Joj.
hahaha :))) You'd be sitting in the shower rocking back and forth holding your knees.

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Joj Y.:
Tatiana S.:
Joj Y.:
I was taking you along the road of all my sins...I killed it (unintentionally), ate it as a glutton, lazy and had someone cook it..., and more. :)))
*off to get peanuts and wait for the "more"*

Go on, Joj.
hahaha :))) You'd be sitting in the shower rocking back and forth holding your knees.
I'm tough. Used to live in a trailer, remember?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

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I confirm, she's tough.
This photo of hers presentz the upper limit of her maxed-out smiling fhase.

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I wouldn't mess with her. :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

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Weird though, I caught her laufing a month-or-so back, but the shooter was her boyfriend... that makes sense, doesn'it.
*sigh* young people...

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Following the massive change in the way others see me by my changing the photo in my profile .....

(1) How recent is it?

About half a year. Was taken in May.

(2) Where was it taken?

On the way down from Karkoszczonka.

(3) Who took it?

A friend.

(4) Do you like it?

I love it!

And the most important question .....

(5) Is it really 'you'?
It is very much me :)

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