Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

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my parents and brother and sister came to visit me in October and we went to the Jap Garden :)

The place must look gorgeous in the autumn.
And you dressed accordingly.
Niiice :)

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Rafał Janta:
The place must look gorgeous in the autumn.
It does.
The only thing that I didn't like were the masses of people, as it was Sunday + divine weather.
And you dressed accordingly.
Niiice :)

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Jarek, I so appreciate the fact that you've shaven this dreadful moustache :)

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Lidia, I`m with you!

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You see ladies, I've decided not to go to L'pool this time. I don't need the tache then, do I?

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Jarek, isn't your clothes too 'civilised' now?

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I'm not striping for you if that's what you mean, Mikey ;)

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Jarek A.:
I'm not striping for you if that's what you mean, Mikey ;)
How about for me and Lidia??

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Private shows are €199,99 an hour. For you I can make it $199,99.

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We had our birthdays last month, Jarek...
Do us a favour

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You snooze, you lose.

Better luck next year.

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If you behave, Santa might be generous this year, though...

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Ok, Jarek, you promised!

Lidia, so we`re having Jarek for X-mas as... as... Santa getting undressed??? Wow!

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Jarek A.:
If you behave, Santa might be generous this year, though...
I don`t know about Lidia, but I usually don`t behave.

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Jarek, don't you dare break the promise given to Violetta and Lidia. I have a hard copy of your promise, just in case. :)

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Michał, we`ll let you peep at Jarek`s show!

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You know, Violetta, he made me angry when he started throwing conditions on you, such as:'if you behave'. As if you, i.e. you and Lidia in particular, have ever misbehaved. Oh, that Jarek!
You really spoiled him! :)

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Michał B.:
You know, Violetta, he made me angry when he started throwing conditions on you,

Oh yes, I can imagine that:D

Good night Michał (I have to work tomorrow so I want to catch some sleep).

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V., you know, I think I'll pass.
Don't like forcing people to do things, and J. isn't very enthusiastic about it, so I'm out of the party.

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Lidia, you have already provided Jarek with an excuse. Again?
Hope Violetta won't give up so easily. :)
Good night Violetta and have a nice day tomorrow.

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