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Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

What do you like to read?

I've gone through the "Time" and "Nat. Geo" stage, where I couldn't do the evening commute with out reading these two back to back... occasional "The Onion"... usually I get my info from the net although I still like to get back to the "Time" from time to time.

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Did you recycle the paper?

konto usunięte

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Lidia K.:
Did you recycle the paper?

Not yet, but in the states it's against the law not to recycle. I still have stacks of the "Time" and "Nat. Geo".
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Advanced Diver Magazine, NACD (National Association for Cave Diving) Journal, Quest (diving magazine published by GUE - Global Underwater Explorers), Wreck Magazine - I'm rather focused on one thing.

Of course daily newspapers - but this is part of my job :))))

And I do recycle :))))

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Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Maria B.:
Advanced Diver Magazine, NACD (National Association for Cave Diving) Journal, Quest (diving magazine published by GUE - Global Underwater Explorers), Wreck Magazine - I'm rather focused on one thing.

Why don't you take a dive! haha... I used to read a bunch of DJ/music mags, but with time I've come to really hate them. Nothing but a bunch of paid for opinions and not an honest one in sight.

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Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

I am very let down by magazines such as Newsweek and Time magazine as they get increasingly commercial. How many pages are devoted to Rolex,Banking and investment supplements.Almost every second page- see for yourself. Worst of all though is their column the good life where they display items such as bath towels for $50,000,floor tiles for 1 million per square meter,a honeymoon suite for $80,000 per night,scarfs for $4,100 etc etc

Horse and Hound Magazine has far less advertising- shame its totally crap.

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Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Lars Saabye Christensen:
I am very let down by magazines such as Newsweek and Time magazine as they get increasingly commercial. How many pages are devoted to Rolex,Banking and investment supplements.Almost every second page- see for yourself. Worst of all though is their column the good life where they display items such as bath towels for $50,000,floor tiles for 1 million per square meter,a honeymoon suite for $80,000 per night,scarfs for $4,100 etc etc

Horse and Hound Magazine has far less advertising- shame its totally crap.

I must agree... it's pretty fucking annoying, even Nat. geo has become a huge billboard.

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Rafal W.:
Not yet, but in the states it's against the law not to recycle. I still have stacks of the "Time" and "Nat. Geo".
Yes, I can imagine:)
I wouldn't be able to throw away Nat Geo, they're so beautiful!

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Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Lidia K.:
I wouldn't be able to throw away Nat Geo, they're so beautiful!
So is "Playboy".

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

I'm trying to save paper as much as possible, plus having an office at home results in stacks of paper all over the place...
it's all confidential and recycled

I read 'Film' now only, nothing fancy.

konto usunięte

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

In no particular order,
1. The Economist
2. Scientific American (my favorite)
2. National Geographic
3. (it's not my bag but a cousin is the Book Review Editor at Joint Force Quarterly, so that sometimes)
4. Time
5. The New Republic
6 The UNcommon Sense (local)
7. Michigan Outdoors

a few others.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

1. Titanic (German satire magazine)
2. Spiegel (since there is no 2nd news-magazine in Germany)
3. Damals (a German historical magazine)
4. Rockhard (selfexplanatory)
5. The econmist
6. various German and English newspapers
7. Gl and other web-info-sources :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Random order

1. Angora
2. Przekroj
3. Big 'uns
4. Wprost
5. Polityka
6. Some local S&M weekly
7. Pani Domu

I try to read as much as I can online. It's not easy to find polish papers here, especially those I used to read when I lived in Poland (music, film related stuff).
As for the italian stuff, I used to read regularly 2 or 2 PC/IT magazines (you know, the ones that come with free CD's and DVD's) but gave it up a couple of years ago.
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

I mostly read:

- Przekrój
- Focus
- Nat.Geographic
- Traveler
- Podróze

ans sometimes Newsweek.
Used to read photography magazines.

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

well, who buys Fakt and Super Express then? (except T ofc)

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Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Rafal W.:
What do you like to read?
I log on to gazeta.pl almost every day, then the BBC and Reuters, I read the Economist (but not thoroughly, just bits that interest me), I sometimes get "Angora" and "Przekrój" (in print).
Other interesting magazines I read whenever I have the chance are Scientific American, Focus, and some work-related periodicals (LTM).
I regularly check what's going on in Austin and Round Rock (local websites and Yahoo!).
I've had a subscription to Zeszyty Literackie for nearly 10 years. One day, I swear, I am going to recycle them ;)

As for recycling, I only get a few real papers/mags, and if I don't need them, they go into the recycling bin. Located conveniently about 10 minutes from my block.

Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Rafal W.:
>> >

Why don't you take a dive!
Very funny :P
Will you sponsor my trip to Florida, plus the costs of diving? They ain't small :))))
BTW I do dive in Poland as well. But I miss Florida cave country. Few months and I will be back there.
Meantime magazines is all what I can have. And these ones are not that bad, but I agree with you - most of others are full of editorials.
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Lidia K.:
well, who buys Fakt and Super Express then? (except T ofc)
I don't buy them but I read them :)))

konto usunięte

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

When it comes to online...


I absolutely love this dude
stand up + political comentator... great stuff

There are more... but these are my daily doses ...

then there are the non news

http://discogs.com - all music all the time
http://toolboxrecords.com - more musicRafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.12.08 o godzinie 13:46
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: Your favorite periodicals, zines, papers etc...

Gazeta Wyborcza is my daily bible. I read it. I live by it.
I love reading Wysokie Obcasy on the weekend and Duzy Format on Monday [virtually ad-free, for those who hate them. I don't mind]

As for weeklies I read Polityka and Newsweek which is what we get at school. The latter isn't much food for thought I'm afraid.

I spend a small fortune on interior design and architecture monthlies and this has to stop with the new year. The pile includes Dobre Wnetrze, Murator, Elle Deco [all editions], LivingEtc, Architectural Digest and my all-time fave WALLPAPER.

Once in a blue moon I skim Fakty i Mity and Zadra

I hate reading stuff online.

There are titles I never touch, too.

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