Temat: your father

what is/was he like?

how do you get on together?

do you meet often?

what's special about him?

is it harder to be a mother or a father these days?

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Temat: your father

Lidia K.:
what is/was he like?
He died waiting for a heart transplant. He didn't tell anyone he needed one excpt our mom. His arteries were very healthy, he was strong and relatively young, but a virus or genetics caused his heart to fail. He was tall, dark, and many people said, the most handsome man that they had ever seen. He knew it :))) When he answered as girls called us seven boys, he would sometimes facetiously ask "do you think he's handsome?" Of course they had to say yes...and he'd say "well you ought to see ME." He sucked the air from a room. A litle intimidating for people, he was the kindest man I've ever known.
how do you get on together?
Very well, then very poorly, a typical case...then that day he asked me to go home that day to get some papers for him to sign but there weren't any. I learned later that they told him they wwere going to need to intubate him now, and he wanted to get us to leave. He called me there and told me he was sorry. I only remember being shocked that his voice qauvered and he was crying a little. Then he passed away.
do you meet often?
I miss him every day.
what's special about him?
He was an engineer and when he came back home from violence he only wanted to work outside. He worked on a loading dock 15 hours per day for years with nine kids and we always had what we needed. He must have told us I love you a million times :) He was compassionate...not too patient, though.
is it harder to be a mother or a father these days?
Mother. Mine's a saint :) (but a very poor passenger, gambler, worm hooking skills nonexistent).Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.09.08 o godzinie 11:38

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Temat: your father

Joj Y.:
First of all, Joj, an excellent post. Really. Mine's not gonna be even remotely as good or interesting as yours.
Lidia K.:
what is/was he like?
Difficult personality. Short fuse.
how do you get on together?
Not too well, I'm afraid.
do you meet often?
what's special about him?
He's my dad.
is it harder to be a mother or a father these days?
Mother. Always has been and probably always will be, unless they pass a law that obligates the state, the government, the society to provide mothers will all the help they may ever need. Being a mom is a full time job. Not that I would know anything about it.. but it is.

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Temat: your father

Lidia K.:
what is/was he like?

My dad is a true hero. For many reasons, I will not elaborate, but I think I'm subconsciously looking for someone like him as a partner, as I would love to be with a man who is so responsible, caring and affectionate. Why I go for a type that is completely the opposite, beats me.

how do you get on together?

Great! He comes over for lunch, we go on vacation together (taking my son too, of course), spend weekends together and call each other at least twice a week.

do you meet often?

That really depends. My dad is 63, retired, but still goes to work. We meet whenever we can.

what's special about him?

Have I mentioned that he's a true hero? ;) He's also one of my best friends, quite unlike my mother, who I don't get on well with at all. No one does, though.

is it harder to be a mother or a father these days?

That's a strange question. Both mothers and fathers have lots of responsibilities, but I say a mom usually works twice as hard for the first couple years. My son's dad turned out to be a great father, and I am happy to see the two of them get on perfectly well.
It's sometimes hard for me to be a mom, as I often aim at being the Perfect Mom, which ends up in disappointment. I love my son to pieces, and I would like to create a warm, peaceful home for him. One day. Maybe. Although I believe he's quite happy now as well. Having a kid makes you perceive things in a totally different way, and once you've ever turned the bathroom into a submarine, painted each other's faces, or spent the entire night fighting with scary fever, you will never be the same again.

Having said that, I must admit I couldn't stay at home with the kids for three or four years. I'd go crazy.
Sylwia D.

Sylwia D. Człowiek Aktywny

Temat: your father

Joj, it was great to read your post ...

Lidia K.:
what is/was he like?
My Dad is a choleric type, which is sometimes annoying, but he's also very carrying and we can count on him always. It's a man with sense of humour, very outgoing, with many friends, always ready to help in any case. He used to be a very handsome man with black hair, now he's a handsome man with grey hair (he claims it's platin blond)
how do you get on together?
it depends ... usually very well, but from time to time we quarrel about some trivial things (we have too similar characters, I think :))
do you meet often?
yes, we live in the same house
what's special about him?
he prepares breakfast for me every day, sometimes I call him "Mom" because he acts like this :)))
lately he "adopted" a little cat that he foud abandoned nearby
is it harder to be a mother or a father these days?
It was always harder to be a mother, I guess. Mothers ofen have more duties.
Anyway, bringing up a child is a hard and responsible task.

Temat: your father

WOW! Thanks for your responses :)
Joj, it was very touching...

I asked these questions because I think that our relationship with fathers is so difficult. First of all it doesn't exist or it is always a conflict.

Being able to cope with your dad with love and understanding is definitely a sign of maturity for me.
(Fathers are alien so often to us).

what is/was he like?
Mine is a very hard working man.
He's born for farming or orchards but he happens to live in a town.
He's happy in his small garden outside of town.
He's a great grandpa for my nieces :)

This year he was diagnosed with an awful thing and my perspective (and all my family's) changed immediately in a second.
We realized how important he is to us and all we do is just pray for him to be healthy.

how do you get on together? do you meet often?
Well, we don't really.
We're both short-tempered so we just tolerate each other and do not argue, especially that I'm seeing them every 5-6 weeks now ;)
So I cannot hold a conversation really, just small talk ;)

what's special about him?
It's no problem for him to tell me he loves me and I think it's quite unique with Polish men to say what they feel (doers not tellers, gaah)

is it harder to be a mother or a father these days?
no idea, that's why I'm asking this question...
both are so tough

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Temat: your father

Lidia K.:
what is/was he like?

He’s crazy… as in what the fuck are you thinking, you are not 21 anymore type of crazy.

how do you get on together?

Just fine as long as it’s not for longer than 2- 3 hours at a time.

do you meet often?


what's special about him?

He is my dad...

is it harder to be a mother or a father these days?

It’s very hard. To me, the hardest part of it all will be teaching my kids social values that I myself don’t believe in. Explaining to kids things that we haven’t learnt until way later in our lives is something that will become our every day bread and butter due to the overwhelming output of information provided by the internet. My daughter is 3 years old and is already extremely comfortable browsing her favorite sites and finding her favorite youtube vids. Filtering of all the rubbish that’s out there is hard, explaining it to kids is even harder and more challenging every day. Every generation has had this issue, every new generation gains a tremendous amount of new knowledge during their pre teen years, knowledge that the previous generations had to work hard on gaining.

We are living in some crazy times and I know that there were the two world wars and the cold war era along with other craziness prior to us… but just think about all the technological advances that we’ve come up with in the past 25 years. It is uncanny! Machines that can trace human though patterns, robots, computers, the net, harnessing the power of our sun and many, many more things that were the stuff of Da Vinci’s wet dreams.

It’s hard… it was never easy to begin with…. But now it’s just become that much harder, because now, not only we have to be able to teach and explain, but keeping up alone becomes very hard.

Another major issue that I find difficult to cope with is senseless consumerism and a loss of self. Buy! Buy! Buy! That’s all you hear from every side and corner. We are bombarded by ads for things that we “need” every minute of our life now - so pointless and absolutely disgusting. Judging other’s worth by what they own and not by who they are, very sad beings we’ve become.

Ah… the joys of parenting.Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.09.08 o godzinie 14:24

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Temat: your father

Lidia K.:
what is/was he like?

Just like Al Pacino in "Scent of a Woman".
how do you get on together?
Like a house on fire, but in the long run he can get a bit boring or grumbling. He's 58 and looks 45, so can be forgiven.
do you meet often?
Twice a month or so.

what's special about him?
Italian spirit, cool clothes, girls adore him. He's a playboy who unfortunately married and had kids, which dashed his hopes of living a dolce vita. As his disciple, I'm not going to repeat that mistake.
is it harder to be a mother or a father these days?
It's a rather easy task, but an exorbitantly expensive one. Kids love me and I reciprocate that feeling, as long as they're not mine.Adam Lipiński edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.09.08 o godzinie 15:41

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Temat: your father

Thank you for all of your kind remarks. I've decided to let all of you live. And Lidia, what a nice topic.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: your father

Lidia K.:
what is/was he like?
He's generous, reserved and a bit screwed-up.
how do you get on together?
We get on quite well for about one day and then we start to get on each others' tits. But the thing is that I know he's always there at the end of the day if things go wrong... He'll help. It's important to know something like that.
do you meet often?
About 4 times a year for 4 days at a stretch. 16 days a year. That's enough.
what's special about him?
He managed to get out of a working-class Liverpudlian scenario of no prospects, get a PhD and a decent job as a research chemist. If you want to change your environmnent, you can. I like that idea. He did it.
is it harder to be a mother or a father these days?

Dunno about being a mother. I find it hard to be a father. I find the whole family thing difficult.Steve Jones edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.09.08 o godzinie 23:01

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Temat: your father

I was thinking about my dad tonight. Missing him. I loved him very much, I'm afraid we didn't get along, like Jarek and his dad. We used to.

He was a good guy. Geez. He was young. I never said this to my brothers but one of those nurses collapsed on the hallway that night crying. He made impressions on people. I picked her up under her arms.

The leader of his team asked about an artificial heart and declined. So he put his arm around me and said he'd make him comfortable. Then it was over. He was brave but he was vulnerable.

Strange what you remember.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.02.11 o godzinie 01:46

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Temat: your father

.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.02.11 o godzinie 01:44

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Temat: your father


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Temat: your father

Lidia K.:
plus, plus, plus.
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: your father

.Sylwia Łubkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.03.11 o godzinie 13:18

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