Temat: You might be Polish if...

Lidia K.:
37. You will never drink tap water, even when abroad:)
Exactly,same as here,even bottled water is better
Mirka Jot

Mirka Jot HR Manager STRABAG
Sp. z.o.o.

Temat: You might be Polish if...

Steve Jones:
Natalia Bartkowska:
46. ... you eat your spaghetti with spoon and fork

Ohhh! I've been known to do this... Am I Polish?:)

who knows..
maybe because of GL You are going to find out something new about Yourself;P
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: You might be Polish if...

Natalia Bartkowska:
Lidia K.:
53. You don't think cheating at school is a crime.

..and you don't see anything wrong in buying yourself any driving license and have no problem with boasting about itNatalia Bartkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.02.09 o godzinie 12:22
this is Polish.

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Temat: You might be Polish if...

Andrzej S.:


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Temat: You might be Polish if...

56. ...You deserve to be given things rather than earn them because Walesa jumped over the fence

Temat: You might be Polish if...

Natalia Bartkowska:
..and you don't see anything wrong in buying yourself any driving license and have no problem with boasting about it
yes, Natalia, that's so true:(

konto usunięte

Temat: You might be Polish if...

Natalia Bartkowska:
46. ... you eat your spaghetti with spoon and fork
Fact: ONLY German tourist do that.

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Temat: You might be Polish if...

Oleg Kholyuchenko:

Exactly,same as here,even bottled water is better

bottled water is tap water
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: You might be Polish if...

57. ..you have mustache.

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Temat: You might be Polish if...

Andrzej S.:
57. ..you have mustache.
that's Scouse, not Polish.

Temat: You might be Polish if...

Jarek A.:
Natalia Bartkowska:
46. ... you eat your spaghetti with spoon and fork
Fact: ONLY German tourist do that.
Lidia does that too. Is it very unItalian, J?
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: You might be Polish if...

Jarek A.:
Andrzej S.:
57. ..you have mustache.
that's Scouse, not Polish.

Scouse goes along with a top hat and monocle.

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Temat: You might be Polish if...

Lidia K.:
Lidia does that too. Is it very unItalian, J?
two words for you: public lynching

konto usunięte

Temat: You might be Polish if...

Andrzej S.:
Scouse goes along with a top hat and monocle.
think again


Temat: You might be Polish if...

Andrzej S.:
Oh yes... Ireland... of course
Lidia K.:
44. When you meet an English-speaking person, you automatically assume you can communicate using your rudiments of German and raise your voice if they don't understand you:)

a joke reference... polish only sorry:

[i]Cumujący statek w porcie. Rosjanin z liną w ręku z pokładu krzyczy do przechodząceko afrykanina:
-Dzierżyj linu!
-No, uże dzierżyj linu!!!
.... (cisza)
-Parles vois Fraces?
-Sprechen Sie Deutsh?
-Do you speak english?
-Yes, I do

Better one, in the UK:


Temat: You might be Polish if...

Mirosława Jemioło:
Steve Jones:
Mirosława Jemioło:
45. You eat a lot of medicaments and drink actimels etc....


that's not funny Steve!;P
that's horrible!;|

Same Russians in Russia,and sometimes in Estonia love to buy Actimel, and if feeling bad - a tablet/pill
btw. In Estonia we have Polish Actimel, danone,Warszawa :))

Temat: You might be Polish if...

Andrzej S.:
57. ..you have mustache.
you'll have a mustache so you don't need to see your dentist!

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Temat: You might be Polish if...

58. ... you think you're above the law

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Temat: You might be Polish if...

59. ...You think that owning a satellite dish or cable TV means You don't have to pay the 'RTV abonament'
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: You might be Polish if...

Jarek A.:
think again


60. ... you think you're a messiah.Andrzej S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.02.09 o godzinie 12:35

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