Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: Worst Film Ever

A late entry: Definitely, Maybe (Na Pewno, Być Moze)

I was dragged along to see this by someone who lives, breathes and sleeps Candyfloss Rom-Coms, and even she said it was terrible (this was the same person who rated "Because I Said So" a cinematic masterpiece).

This film was so bad it caused me actual physical pain, and ever since I've developed a limp and a hunched back.

Don't say you weren't warned.
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Worst Film Ever

Maybe not the worst movie ever, but I was sorely disappointed with Disney's Prince Caspian. It was full of boring one-liners and if I hadn't read it, I would be lost because nothing is explained or reviewed from the first movie - The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I wish I could have said the special effects were cool, but they weren't. :(

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Temat: Worst Film Ever

"Meet the Spartans"
The absolute worst... it climbed to the top of my shit list within the first 10 minutes... to finally secure its position on the very top... probably for many... many years to come.

Temat: Worst Film Ever

Agreed..I couldn't stand it even on fast-forward, jumping from scene to scene...

There are bad movies which are SO bad that you actually enjoy watching them..this is NOT one of them. This is BEYOND BAD...one of those movies which make you ask yourself the very fundamental and painful question: WHY THE F*** would they do this to me?!

I suppose that is how people feel when they catch their girlfriend cheating with their best mate ;]

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Temat: Worst Film Ever

Hahaha… the question that was going through my head while watching it was – “wait… somebody at a high executive level, read the script and thought that this was a great idea, somebody, took out a pen and, instead of signing a check of to… geee.. I don’t know a charity, garbage disposal company, me, or pretty much anything other than… he handed it to the director… “

The sheer idea of this movie actually being made, paid for and being distributed makes me wonder… - how low can we go? It’s as if we are living in “Idiocracy” – which is a movie that I can honestly HIGHLY recommend to anyone.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Worst Film Ever

I got interested with that movie right now :)
Maybe I should wait (without any efforts) a TV airing. It could be nice to watch to realize that sleeping is a better idea.

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Temat: Worst Film Ever

ilter K.:
nice to watch to realize that sleeping is a better > idea.

haha.. you know, I think getting your toe nail smashed with a hammer is a better idea.

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Temat: Worst Film Ever

Uff... I must revive this thread... I've sat through 35 minutes of the "Scorpion King 2" holly crap! I've gotten it only because Randy "the Natural" Couture is in it... and he is one of my favorite UFC fighters.
His acting however... ergh... that coupled with the awful actor that was picked to play the main character... along with pretty much the rest of this farce...I'm just going to sum it up and say - DON'T WATCH IT!

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Temat: Worst Film Ever

Tell me. I've been to see the Mummy, and it looks like there's going to be a Mummy 4, too...

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Temat: Worst Film Ever

Well.. the third one just came out in the theaters.. urgh... dare I download? Or should I save the bandwidth for more productive things like .. dunno... kids cartoons.

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Temat: Worst Film Ever

The plot was predictable, the special effects close to none (with just a few exceptions) - and the fx were all why I even bothered to watch the movie.
Go for Hancock if you're looking for Saturday evening movie entertainment, at least it's funny.

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