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Temat: Work Ethics

I have been reading a lot of what people have to say on GL regarding work ethics.

I have couple true or false type questions.

Work ethics in Poland are pretty low standard.
True or False

Customer service related jobs also leave a lot to desire.
True or False

If you could also elaborate a bit on your answers. I only visited for a short time, so did not have the chance to experience work or service. From comments that people post on GL regarding both of these topics, it seems to me, that what Poland needs is good work ethic and customer relations schools

Temat: Work Ethics

Rafal Wolk:
I have been reading a lot of what people have to say on GL regarding work ethics.

I have couple true or false type questions.

Work ethics in Poland are pretty low standard.
True or False

Customer service related jobs also leave a lot to desire.
True or False

If you could also elaborate a bit on your answers. I only visited for a short time, so did not have the chance to experience work or service. From comments that people post on GL regarding both of these topics, it seems to me, that what Poland needs is good work ethic and customer relations schools

I'd say it depends. Firstly, it depends on the area of Poland: western parts of the country tend to have or show higher standards.
Secondly, it also depends on how the company is managed. Here in Poznan we do not allow for poor services so the ethics in many companies is quite high, I'd say. :)

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Temat: Work Ethics

Rafal Wolk:
Work ethics in Poland are pretty low standard.
True or False

IMHO, there's almost as many work ethics as enterprises. Work ethics, motivation, corporate governance, organisational culture can have extremely different meanings for employees and employers, small family-run companies and multinational giants, private and public entities, etc. Thus, it is impossible to make a generalisation like that...

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Temat: Work Ethics

Magda B.:
Rafal Wolk:
Work ethics in Poland are pretty low standard.
True or False

IMHO, there's almost as many work ethics as enterprises. Work ethics, motivation, corporate governance, organisational culture can have extremely different meanings for employees and employers, small family-run companies and multinational giants, private and public entities, etc. Thus, it is impossible to make a generalisation like that...

Reason why I generalize is because I've heard opinions of people who conduct business in Poland and have had some negative experiences. Now the general consensus was, that business owners are usually still the "old school" Polish businessmen - hustlers, belligerent, unorganized and not up to world standards. Again, these are opinions that I have come across, that I am now trying to either validate or debunk.Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.03.08 o godzinie 20:30
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Work Ethics

Rafal Wolk:
I have been reading a lot of what people have to say on GL regarding work ethics.

I have couple true or false type questions.

Work ethics in Poland are pretty low standard.
True or False

Not sure if you mean "work ethic" - the idea that you should work for a living, or "business ethics" - how morally acceptable business practices are. Anyway, I'll have a go at both points.

The work ethic here I'd say is rather strong amongst the younger generation. There is more an attitude of expecting to go out and do something rather than "the world owes me a living".

Business ethics leave a lot to be desired. Partially it's because of old school moustache pan prezes attitudes and partially because the system itself encourages large amounts of incompetence and corruption.
Customer service related jobs also leave a lot to desire.
True or False

Very true. It's a lot better than it was, but there's still a lot of "nie ma" fish lips style service going on here...

konto usunięte

Temat: Work Ethics

Steve Jones:
Rafal Wolk:
I have been reading a lot of what people have to say on GL regarding work ethics.

I have couple true or false type questions.

Work ethics in Poland are pretty low standard.
True or False

Not sure if you mean "work ethic" - the idea that you should work for a living,

Actually, work ethic, as in how people behave at a place of business, or at work. I do understand exactly what you mean by "old school mustache pan prezes".

Następna dyskusja:

Ethics in media, business, ...

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