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Temat: Woman's Day
I have nothing against 'days', but simply don't like that nobody knows how the 'day' actually ever came about in the first place.For example Halloween. How many people associate it being the day before All Saints Day? My understanding is that it was considered to be the last chance that bad spirits had to cause trouble before being forced into hiding on 1st November.
Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday or Tlusty Czwartek) - the time to use up ingredients before fasting during Lent.
Easter - the death of Jesus Christ (difficult that one!)
Christmas (the birth of Jesus Christ)
etc. etc.
Our vicar when I was at primary school used to tell us that Mothers Day (or Mothering Sunday as he drilled into us) was a traditional day during the 19th century for young girls who were servents to have the day off and visit their mothers and take a gift.
You couldn't trust that vicar though - much to the horror of his flock (and wife and kids) he was unveiled in the Sunday newspapers as a frequenter of public toilets (please refer to buggers and bigots thread).
I can't remember how our headmaster explained to us primary school kids that the vicar wasn't there any more....