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Temat: Woman gives birth to twins at age 70:

Dave Andrew:
Would it be ok in Swindon, Dave?

I think it might be less likely to run into the knee-jerk "nienaturalny" response.

'nienaturalny' is the most obvious response.

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Temat: Woman gives birth to twins at age 70:

Dave Andrew:
Would it be ok in Swindon, Dave?

I think it might be less likely to run into the knee-jerk "nienaturalny" response.

This is what I find really interesting about this discussion.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Woman gives birth to twins at age 70:

Dave Andrew:
Would it be ok in Swindon, Dave?
I think it might be less likely to run into the knee-jerk "nienaturalny" response.
"Nienaturalny" is the most scientific answer that you could get from me.
If you want to learn why, you can check Biology books from grade 6.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Woman gives birth to twins at age 70:

BTW, I think we shouldn't mix the terminology for this case (Or we should make one thing clear):

Infertility treatment (IVF) can be applied to even healthy women with functioning ovaries.

But a woman who is 70, simply can not produce eggs. Eggs has to be donated from a different female, it has to be fertilised outside, and then has to be placed to her 'abdomen' (because we can't call what she has as "uterus" anymore).

The mother who is the subject in this thread, gave a "MIRACULOUS" birth.

So, you are free to accept my "not natural" comment, as a comment in English for the people whose profession is not related to Biology.ilter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.07.08 o godzinie 19:15

Temat: Woman gives birth to twins at age 70:

Do you know the story of Abraham and Sarah?
She was infertile and by miracle gave birth to a son, Issac.
She was in her eighties or nineties!

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Temat: Woman gives birth to twins at age 70:

Miracle being the key word in the story, right?

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