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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

Michał K.:
What's you oppinion on the facts mentioned here ?

Fortunately, my loudspeaker is broken, so I can't listen to you tube videos.

No doubt, had I been able to follow what your man had to say for himself, I would have discovered that he didn't like Muslims a great deal, and as you don't seem to like Muslims much either, you decided to post it onto this thread.

But I already knew this. Has the video got anything new and/or interesting to bring to this 'debate'?

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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

This video might be interesting:

Racism on a British housing estate:


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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

And this is very hot news in the U.K. at the moment.

Nick Griffin, leader of the far right BNP, appears on the BBC programme 'Question Time', for the first time ever, thus giving him 'respectability'.

Any sensible opinions, anyone?

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/8321157.stmwarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.10.09 o godzinie 23:05
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

warren whitmore:
... Any sensible opinions, anyone?

I'll comment without examining the case (for now), sorry.
(I've just seen it on BBC World News)

I don't know if racism is 'the' mainstream issue in UK right now, but I think BBC is trying to take the public attention away from more important issues. Racism seems to be the #1 subject to do that.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

Michał K.:
What's you oppinion on the facts mentioned here ?
As far as I can see, there are no facts in there. They are his interpretations.

Which 'facts' are you talking about?
And don't you have better things to do than dealing with bullshit? What is it that bugs you this much? What is your problem?
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

Make your own video and post it in here. I'm not going to watch any stupid 'movies', as I don't come here to watch videos, films etc.

Just write what you think, or what you support. Like civilized people do.

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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

BNP moves into the British political mainstream:


Just read the comments .....

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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

No wonder. The current party leaders are out of touch and the show was biased and the outcome could've been only one. The current state of democracy seems to be that freedom of speech exists as long as what is said, is in line with the general opinion.
I personally do not side with the BNP (duh, I wouldn't be allowed into this country), but it was clear that the guys couldn't speak his mind and was interupted a lot by the panel. If they really thought he couldn't make a case, they should've let him speak and make a fool out of himself - it's for the public to decide. If the public don't hear both sides it's not a democracy.

Ilter, I've said enough and obviously we're not getting anywhere, and a lot of people seem to be affraid to join the discussion as they are smarter than me and know it's not worth it.
The video has a thing called sidebar where all the facts are laid out for you to see. Who's being ignorant now?Michał K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 24.10.09 o godzinie 03:44

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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

Michał K.:
Ilter, I've said enough and obviously we're not getting anywhere, and a lot of people seem to be affraid to join the discussion as they are smarter than me and know it's not worth it.
The video has a thing called sidebar where all the facts are laid out for you to see. Who's being ignorant now?


The video you posted about Muslim demographics is crude propaganda, and can easily be demonstrated as such.

There is no serious possibility of Muslims becoming the majority in Europe by 2050, and of their imposing Sharia law on us all.

If I was to make a video attempting to 'prove' that Poles are going to take over the world, and then force everyone to eat bigos and listen to radio Maryja, you would dismiss me as an idiot and a loon. However, such an idea is no more far fetched than your notion of an Islamic threat to our civilisation and way of life.

Please don't post any more videos, or I'll write something ruder.

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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

Michał K.:
No wonder. The current party leaders are out of touch and the show was biased and the outcome could've been only one. The current state of democracy seems to be that freedom of speech exists as long as what is said, is in line with the general opinion.
I personally do not side with the BNP (duh, I wouldn't be allowed into this country), but it was clear that the guys couldn't speak his mind and was interupted a lot by the panel. If they really thought he couldn't make a case, they should've let him speak and make a fool out of himself - it's for the public to decide. If the public don't hear both sides it's not a democracy.

I'd generally agree with you here.

The 'liberal elite' in the U.K. are out of touch with what ordinary English people think.

Basically, many/most(?) English people, and particularly those in large conurbations, would like to see a halt to mass immigration to the U.K..

It's only a shame that the only party willing to articulate these feelings are a bunch of neo-Nazi cranks.

Btw the views of many Poles in the U.K., including your own, at least appear to have much in common with those of the BNP. Go to any white nationalist message board, and you'll find Poles taking part in the discussions.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 24.10.09 o godzinie 14:26
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

warren whitmore:

The 'liberal elite' in the U.K. are out of touch with what ordinary English people think.

Basically, many/most(?) English people, and particularly those in large conurbations, would like to see a halt to mass immigration to the U.K..

It's only a shame that the only party willing to articulate these feelings are a bunch of neo-Nazi cranks.

Similar story in Germany. It perversely leads to people agreeing with the NPD, just because they are the only one's mentioning certain 'facts' (though people don't usually realize that the NPD is using them as propaganda to win people over and then surf on this ticket to more aggressive shores of policy).
Even logically you can't argue against statements like:
- Criminal foreigners out!
- A stop to uneducated immigrants.

Crazy enough that certain people get really edgy if you just dare to mention that some ideas of a nationalist party seem useful to you or you would vote for them under certain limited circumstances.

We have to go a long way back from the PC hole we dug, back into reality or realpolitik.

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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?


Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

warren whitmore:
[...] Her husband Elwy Ali Okaz was stabbed as he tried to protect his wife.

He was also accidentally shot by German police who initially believed him to be the attacker

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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

And is now in a critical condition .....
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

Every year a scandal. This one Warren posted is this year's biggest.

Last year:

A female judge rejected a German woman's plead for divorce. While quoting from Koran the judge said in her words: "You should have known that your husband might beat you. He's from Pakistan."

Two years ago:

Three German-Turks killed her sister who fled the family after they didn't accept her German fiance. She was found by her brothers and executed. The two younger brothers under 18 were set free. The oldest, 18, was not charged with murder and was sentenced to 7 years on probation. One of the reasons for the mild sentence was called in the verdict as: "The acted due to their cultural heritage and tradition."

There is more of that. A Turk and a Greek kicking a 72year old into coma, institutions disbanding plays and others stuff not to provoke Muslims, the speech of the Pope about Mohammed last year, etc. pp.
Not to mention the books and discussion almost weekly on telly about it in good ol' Germanland...
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

Bernd Schreckenberg:
[...] Three German-Turks killed her sister who fled the family after they didn't accept her German fiance. She was found by her brothers and executed. The two younger brothers under 18 were set free. The oldest, 18, was not charged with murder and was sentenced to 7 years on probation. One of the reasons for the mild sentence was called in the verdict as: "The acted due to their cultural heritage and tradition."
What a complete nonesense and bullshit!!!!
(Not what you wrote, what the verdict was)

It's an ignorance by law!
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

ilter K.:

It's an ignorance by law!

Although it's not seen as ignorance, but 'tolerance'.

Lemme give you another example from the first time I went to a court-room in my life:

Our class went on an excursion to see law in action. One of the cases, the only one which stuck with me ever since, was a young Turk (or German-Turk or youngster with migrational background, whatever) was there for shop-lifting. Maybe assault. It's almost twenty years in the past.
Well, stuck with me is what the judge back then sad: "Ali (or Mohammed or whatever), this is a repeated offense, but I know you are a nice guy, so I give you some social work. Okay?"
For whatever the guy had done, my father would have punched me into a wall and the sentence by a judge would almost certainly be harsher than some twenty hours of social work over a couple of month.
That was back then. Nowadays the reasons for those lil' criminals coming before court have become more serious, the judges even softer. Picture the rest yourself.
Although I don't think that the majority of cases are handled in such a PC-pussy-whipped-manner, the fact that some are and that the media and certain politicians pick on such cases, makes them wide spread known and the public generally more aggravated...

Btw, on Saturday 50 Skinheads attacked a football game in Leipzig, fighting some 150 viewers. Some people were seriously hurt. The police didn't really intervene. The police is under immense pressure now from the side of the football club, the fans and some politicians.

Btw, the knife killing was in Dresden. Dresden and Leipzig are in Saxonia (The so called Bavaria of the East). That's Eastern Germany. That's to Germans what Praga is to Varsovians.

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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

ilter K.:
Bernd Schreckenberg:
[...] Three German-Turks killed her sister who fled the family after they didn't accept her German fiance. She was found by her brothers and executed. The two younger brothers under 18 were set free. The oldest, 18, was not charged with murder and was sentenced to 7 years on probation. One of the reasons for the mild sentence was called in the verdict as: "The acted due to their cultural heritage and tradition."
What a complete nonesense and bullshit!!!!
(Not what you wrote, what the verdict was)

It's an ignorance by law!

I wouldn't take this at face value.

Let's have a link to the case first.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

warren whitmore:

I wouldn't take this at face value.

Let's have a link to the case first.

Right you are. I got the numbers a little wrong.

(all German)




The youngest brother was sentenced. The two olders were let go. He was judged according to youth law. He got 9 years and 3month. The rest stays as I said: They executed her sister after she had fled the family. An honor killing for them.




You're such a skeptic... Ts ts ts.

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Temat: Why does one become prone to extremist views?

You said the murderer got seven months probation.

He got nine years in prison.

Considering he was only 18 at the time of the crime, I don't believe the sentence was unreasonable.

Regarding the other brothers who were acquitted, well if guilt can't be proven ...

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