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Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

I saw this today.


What would you do if you received this bill?

Have you ever done anything similar? Maybe slipped a joke into a report or mail, but then found that your colleague didn't remove it and then forwarded it to a client or manager?

How about this in the second paragraph under 'Main Railway Station'.
Is the gnome reference supposed to be there?
Agata P.

Agata P. angielski: lekcje,

Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

This thing on Wrocław and gnomes - it's rather on purpose. The gnomes are all over the place. Check the second part of this article:


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Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

Joe Delucci's owner Mr Langsdon said the message had been meant to be seen only by kitchen staff and he did not know how it ended up as an item on the receipt.

The guys in the kitchen sure know how to amuse themselves.

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Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

Why are they complaining? It was free!

Honestly, there are so many things that can and usually do go wrong in the restaurant business. Coupled with customers who are never happy with anything... well... like I said... the good thing is, they weren't charged for the extra item.

Years ago I worked at this diner that had a take out window option. We had this one guy who would come in once a week and order a Bud with ice. I was not told how to serve it to him, figured it's already piss, so adding too much water would not be smart. He nearly jumped over the counter and attacked me for not putting enough ice in it... If I could've given him a receipt it probably would have been a very similar one.

As per things that I've done at work and got caught hehe... My first job "on the books" was Radio Shack (what a miserable hell hall)... anyway, we had a kid that worked with us, who build his own descrambler cards for satellite boxes. We had this stupid idea once, that every time someone would walk up to the counter, we would put some hardcore porn on every TV behind them... I'm sure you can figure out what ended up happening eventually haha... wish I had that recorded. Elderly couple walked in, batteries in the remote were old, they turned around and I know that I am not far from the truth assuming, that their idea of what people do in the privacy of their own home has changed dramatically. I got lucky, my manager was a friend from high school, so all I got was a slap on the wrist.Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.02.08 o godzinie 14:02

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Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

Agata P.:
This thing on Wrocław and gnomes - it's rather on purpose. The gnomes are all over the place. Check the second part of this article:


The reason why I knew about that article was that some I once knew plagiarised a lot of text from various websites for a report and obviously didn't read properly what she had copied and pasted. When I came across the gnome comment I thought she had been sarcastic. However, (as with most of the text) I could find the source by Googling it.

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Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

The guys in the kitchen sure know how to amuse themselves.

You sound surprised. You mustn't have ever worked in a kitchen ;)

Luckily (touch wood) I don't think I've ever made a disastrous cock-up at work (I'd call the BBC example quite bad). However, it is quite common to use an old report or proposal as a template when creating a new one. Even if you are very careful there is a risk that something remains that shows it hasn't been created from zero.

My most humiliating moment ever was when I was about 13 and shopping with my mum. She was waiting to be served and was close to the window, I was outside. A boy from my school walked past the shop with his father. There was obviously something wrong with him, he had some kind of mental handicap.
Anyway, I went back into the shop and said to me mum "Did you say that boy go past the window, that is John Smith from school, the one who is a bit funny".
There was a voice behind: "There isn't anything funny about John Smith, and I should know, I'm his mother"......

Awful situation.Steven H. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.02.08 o godzinie 14:09

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Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

Steven H.:
Jarek Adamowski:
Joe Delucci's owner Mr Langsdon said the message had been meant to be seen only by kitchen staff and he did not know how it ended up as an item on the receipt.

The guys in the kitchen sure know how to amuse themselves.

You sound surprised. You mustn't have ever worked in a kitchen ;)

hehe... fools.. if they only knew!

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Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

Funny thing is I received an ID10T email today, from one of the general managers of a school in Beijing. She was going to send a short piece on the Festival of Lanterns to ALL agents (it's, like, over a 100 people), but she simply forwarded this:

dear Julia,
i'm E*** C*** and i have booked a course at Ea*** from ... to ...
I've haven't received from you any information about the exact amount of the course and the way of payment yet.
i've would be glad if you can send me the exact informations so thayt i can proceed to the payment.
E*** C***

Well now it makes all the agents wonder whether the school is a reliable partner :D

Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

Steven H.:
What would you do if you received this bill?

They do it often in my local. However not that kind of language, rather "the fat guy with bold head.. cute girl in red" etc.Andrzej P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.02.08 o godzinie 18:11

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Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

They do it often in my local. However not that kind of language,
rather "the fat guy with bald head"

Well, nobody could accuse that of being offensive, could they? ;)

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Temat: Whoops! I didn't intend for you to see it

No, unless the cute girl in red gets the fat bald head guy's bill.

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