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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

Question mainly for the foreigners here.

England are not participating :-(

And - who's going to win the tournament?
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

Obviously, living in Poland, it would be nice to see them do well, though given their chances, being defeated in the quarter-finals would count as doing well.

As someone once said "The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the brave" But that's where my money is.

So Germany will probably win, curse their rotten socks.

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

Germany / France / Italy are the candidatesGuy Cautaerts edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.06.08 o godzinie 17:31

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

Guy Cautaerts:
Germany / France / Italy are the candidates[edited]Guy Cautaerts
Presumably that is who you expect to win.

Who will you be supporting?

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

warren whitmore:
Guy Cautaerts:
Germany / France / Italy are the candidates[edited]Guy Cautaerts
Presumably that is who you expect to win.

Who will you be supporting?
I have no really preferences: I will support for the best playing football team. Sometimes it can be the underdog. It's not always the best playing team that wins the match.

For now, I hope the Polish team survive the 1st round, but I'm afraid.

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

I have a "thing" for Portugal, for no apparent reason.

I'll cheer for Poland, for obvious reasons.

And I will boo Italy off the pitch for... just for the fun of it.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.06.08 o godzinie 17:59

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

Is it just me (yes probably), or is all the publicicty for the tournament, like any football tournament/league, over the top?
We hear about 'great emotion', 'celebration of football' and all that.
From where I am sat around a quarter of games are poor and boring, half are acceptable, and maybe a quarter show off some skill and excitment other than a brawl.

Or maybe I've just seen England play too much.

P.S. Poland as I have no reason to 'want' any other team to win.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

Steven, if you're talking about the match between Portugal-Turkey...

The thing that Turkish team was playing, wasn't football. I don't know what the hell happened to them. They simply butchered my 90 minutes.
I haven't seen them playing that bad since late 80s. The times when they used to loose the international games like 0-8.

I am darn disappointed.

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

I haven't watched soccer for ages (having been watching hockey for a few years now, soccer became painfuly slow game for me to watch) but I do have a soft spot Italy, so I'd love to see them win.

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

I do support the Polish team with all my heart, which is pretty obvious.
But I won't break down if they don't win. The point Ilter mentioned is much more important for me than winning itself. I hope they will play a breathtaking match, full of enthusiasm and involvement from the players. If they play good, intelligent football, I won't be angry with them even if they lose.
However, if they start playing again like amateurs, there will certainly be some very dirty words heard in my house...Wendy Tweed edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.06.08 o godzinie 19:45

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

certainly be some very dirty words heard in my house

uh oh....you and dirty words?...you look so innocent!!..lol

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

Darek Koter:
certainly be some very dirty words heard in my house

uh oh....you and dirty words?...you look so innocent!!..lol

Very well then - I'll try not to use them. However, no guarantee.

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

Wendy Tweed:
I do support the Polish team with all my heart, which is pretty obvious.
But I won't break down if they don't win. The point Ilter mentioned is much more important for me than winning itself. I hope they will play a breathtaking match, full of enthusiasm and involvement from the players. If they play good, intelligent football, I won't be angry with them even if they lose.
However, if they start playing again like amateurs, there will certainly be some very dirty words heard in my house...

I wasn't refering to the Turkey game. I didn't see it (firework display in Krakow). Loads of games are stinkers. My one period as a real football fan was when I lived in London and went to see Tottenham play about 8 times during a year and a half. The who package (game, train far, hotdog and drink) cost about GBP 40, and I reckon that froze/was bored to death for at least half of them. If it wasn't for the view of an impressive stadium and the noise it really wouldn't be worth it.

Maybe Poland will play 'total football' tonight, whatever that means.Steven H. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.06.08 o godzinie 20:18

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

Steven H.:
Wendy Tweed:
I do support the Polish team with all my heart, which is pretty obvious.
But I won't break down if they don't win. The point Ilter mentioned is much more important for me than winning itself. I hope they will play a breathtaking match, full of enthusiasm and involvement from the players. If they play good, intelligent football, I won't be angry with them even if they lose.
However, if they start playing again like amateurs, there will certainly be some very dirty words heard in my house...

I wasn't refering to the Turkey game. I didn't see it (firework display in Krakow). Loads of games are stinkers. My one period as a real football fan was when I lived in London and went to see Tottenham play about 8 times during a year and a half. The who package (game, train far, hotdog and drink) cost about GBP 40, and I reckon that froze/was bored to death for at least half of them. If it wasn't for the view of an impressive stadium and the noise it really wouldn't be worth it.

Maybe Poland will play 'total football' tonight, whatever that means.Steven H. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.06.08 o godzinie 20:18

Yes, let's hope their football will OK.

What I always find annoying is that most teams stop playing anything worth watching once they know the result will be to their advantage. I wish we had more matches with results like 4:7, 3:4 or 2:5. It all seems to be based on pure cold calculation and it's not fair if you think of the money spectators have to spend on tickets.
BTW, I have never been to a real match on a real huge stadium, such as the one you have mentioned. Hope to make this dream come true this autumn when I go to visit my friends in London.

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Temat: Who are you supporting in Euro 2008:

My heart beats with Polish team and I wish they would win but I am not optymist after their first game.
Answering Your question I thing that Netherlands have a big chances to win the Cup

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