Sharan K.

Sharan K. Touch Applications

Temat: Where to look for jobs in Warsaw?

Hi all,

Can anybody advise where to search for jobs for English speakers in Warsaw?
I am interested in IT.

Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Where to look for jobs in Warsaw?


I think you should set couple of e-mail notifications using the services from web sites like

You could decide on the keywords, and maybe the system could send you notification e-mails etc.

But of course, you might need help from a Pole to set things up at the beginning, if you don't speak (or read) any Polish.

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Temat: Where to look for jobs in Warsaw?

Corporate entities like Samsung R&D are generally open for english-speakers. Browse and monitor the ads here on GL.

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