Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: When's your birthday:

Karolina Lemel:
December 2nd

Isn't it a great day to be born on?
I mean, in my case, December is like one big present shower!

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Temat: When's your birthday:

July 30

Temat: When's your birthday:

December 6th
Karolina Lemel-Vacca

Karolina Lemel-Vacca Finance
currently on
maternity leave

Temat: When's your birthday:

Rafał Janta:
Karolina Lemel:
December 2nd

Isn't it a great day to be born on?
I mean, in my case, December is like one big present shower!

in fact it is!
It was my favourite month when I was a child - 3 times gifts:
Birthday, Santa Claus Day and Christmas!

Now I don't get so many gifts, but still December is the most entertaining month in the whole year for me.Karolina Lemel edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.07.08 o godzinie 13:09
Jacek Moćko

Jacek Moćko deputy head of
Global Trade
Solutions, BNP
Paribas Bank P...

Temat: When's your birthday:

May 1st :)
Marta N.

Marta N. Marketing / PR /
Media Relations /
Publishing /

Temat: When's your birthday:

21st March
First day of Spring :)

Temat: When's your birthday:

Dear All
Today's Dave Andrew's birthday.
All the best for our Scottish poster! :)

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Temat: When's your birthday:

Happy birthday to Dave!

I was a Christmas present ;) 23rd of December
Sylwia D.

Sylwia D. Człowiek Aktywny

Temat: When's your birthday:

October 28th

like Bill Gates and Julia Roberts ;)
Anna S.

Anna S. Asystentka Rzecznika
Praw Obywatelskich,
Biuro Rzecznika ...

Temat: When's your birthday:

June 20th

like Nicole Kidman ;)

Temat: When's your birthday:

We missed three more!

All the best to you :)

August 18th Jon Miller
August 19th Rafal Kupidura
August 25th Adamina Ludwika Lisiecka
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: When's your birthday:

Anna S.:
June 20th

like Nicole Kidman ;)

I like Nicole Kidman, too!

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Temat: When's your birthday:

I don't really like Nicole Kidman.

Temat: When's your birthday:

June 1st

like Marilyn Monroe or Casanova ;)
and of course Children's Day :)))))

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Temat: When's your birthday:

October 31. OK, I know...

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Temat: When's your birthday:

Were you trick or treat?

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Temat: When's your birthday:

Trick, I suppose. Have to talk to my mum.

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Temat: When's your birthday:

Tatiana S.:
Were you trick or treat?

What does this mean?

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Temat: When's your birthday:

Keith Byrne:
Anna S.:
June 20th

like Nicole Kidman ;)

I like Nicole Kidman, too!

She was nice in Bewitched. She had lost about 10 years.

Film was shit though.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: When's your birthday:

Steven H.:
Keith Byrne:
Anna S.:
June 20th

like Nicole Kidman ;)

I like Nicole Kidman, too!

She was nice in Bewitched. She had lost about 10 years.

Film was shit though.

I have the tendency to rate a film as good if I liked a person in it. I wish I was able to do that, though. Now I have to think about Bewitched again. The fact that I shudder at the idea means that it probably wasn't any good.

Następna dyskusja:

Happy birthday!

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