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Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

A recent conversation with friends while listening to our kids and watching them play reminded me of all those things I used to believe when I was a kid.

I distinctly remember I was convinced when you put letters in the mailbox (ah, the wonderful times of snail mail), they traveled down to special tubes which then dispatched them into other mailboxes from where they were retrieved by mailmen and then delivered to the proper houses.

Any other stories like this?

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Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

That actually happened in one big store in Edinburgh. Perhaps in Poland too?
It seemed to work by suction.
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

I used to want to be a binman, because you only had to work on a Wednesday from about 10am to about 10:30, or however long it took to take the rubbish from our street to the dump! I also believed that if you had a bigger TV, you could see more of the set, and it's be great to have a TV screen ginormous enough to be able to see the whole of the USS Enterprise off of Star Trek!

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Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

I had a friend whose dad was a farmer.

He asked us where we got our milk from.

My dad told him we kept a cow in the attic.

He believed this for a year or so.

My parents used to pretend they were taking food up to feed the cow when he came round.

Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

Tatiana S.:
A recent conversation with friends while listening to our kids and watching them play reminded me of all those things I used to believe when I was a kid.

I distinctly remember I was convinced when you put letters in the mailbox (ah, the wonderful times of snail mail), they traveled down to special tubes which then dispatched them into other mailboxes from where they were retrieved by mailmen and then delivered to the proper houses.

Any other stories like this?

That's how it used to work in Empire State Building.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

... and also in space station.
Oh come on guys!!!

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Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

Dave Andrew:
That actually happened in one big store in Edinburgh. Perhaps in Poland too?
It seemed to work by suction.

I think that there's a town somewhere with that system...
In any case you can see it sometimes in hypermarkets and the like, and in Blackpool Pleasure Beach we used to send documents and banknotes to the treasury that way.

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Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

I used to believe that adults were intelligent and considerate, and I thought that getting drunk was something what hooligans did and other people at certain times (as seen on TV programmes) like at a wedding, when seriously depressed.

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Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

warren whitmore:
I had a friend whose dad was a farmer.

He asked us where we got our milk from.

My dad told him we kept a cow in the attic.

He believed this for a year or so.

My parents used to pretend they were taking food up to feed the cow when he came round.
Reminds me of what my dad once did - he was a police officer, and told the neighbors' son (who was a real pain) that whenever he couldn't find room for a criminal, he brought them home and kept them in a room in the common hall where we had bikes, etc. The little guy was very curious, so after he'd gone home, my dad slipped into that room, put a heavy woolen hat on his head and waited there. I think he scared the shit out of the boy when he peeked inside five minutes later to steal a glance at the criminal...
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

Whenever I drank a lot of water, my granddad used to warn me that frogs will start breeding in my tummy, and he reminded me of it whenever my tummy rumbled. I believed his every word and even thought they'd come out of my belly button.

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Temat: When I was a kid I used to believe...

My aunt once told me if I kept sticking my feet from under the covers, a big bad wolf would come and bite them off. Been nearly 30 years since then, and, while I might take up 90% of any available bed space (who's called it starfish sleeping?), I will keep my feet covered at all times. Or wear socks...

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When I was a kid...

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