Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: What are you good at?

I'm good at making niedzielny rosół.
It's been simmering on my cooker for two hours now. I think I can go to sleep :)

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Temat: What are you good at?

Rafał, care to trade rosół secrets? Do you use lovage?
Rafał Janta

Rafał Janta aj em ju ar

Temat: What are you good at?

Tatiana S.:
Rafał, care to trade rosół secrets? Do you use lovage?

I do. As well as bay leaf and a dash of curcuma and ginger for a twist. But I'd say the key thing is that rosół has to be cooked really long. Two hours minimum. And I always make it on the night before.

konto usunięte

Temat: What are you good at?

Rafał Janta:
Tatiana S.:
Rafał, care to trade rosół secrets? Do you use lovage?

I do. As well as bay leaf and a dash of curcuma and ginger for a twist. But I'd say the key thing is that rosół has to be cooked really long. Two hours minimum. And I always make it on the night before.
That I absolutely agree with. I always make a huge pot, too, and try to use several different kinds of meat - you can get interesting results, depending on what meat you use.
Right now I'd love to have some real chicken rosół, like my grandmother used to make 20 years ago...
Tomasz Zając

Tomasz Zając Specjalista II -

Temat: What are you good at?

hi . I'm good at making a toast with cheese and ham delicious:) (mention about toast making my mouth water) spagethii with ground beef, red pepper, sausage and plenty of cheese.
I am unbeatable in darts and billards
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: What are you good at?

...ignoring thread titles ;D
Adam Frank

Adam Frank English Teacher

Temat: What are you good at?

The Good:
I tend to be better than average at almost everything, which may be the result of wanting to be as much as it is anything else. I'm exceptional at very few things, however. I am best at shooting green shells in Mario Kart. It's a very specific skill, useful for nothing, besides making your friends want to stop playing Mario Kart with you anymore. :D I think I'm good at being a husband, and I am pretty sure that I am good at looking at things and finding a way to make them more efficient, or at integrating skills and ideas across different fields where others might not think of any connection.

The bad:
I am not so good at learning languages, and I don't retain calculus-based mathematics skills well.

The ugly:
Tolerating heavily self-destructive actions around me. I get mad with people that casually take others' lives into their own hands and who are then very careless, like drunk drivers, users, and abusers.

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