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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Thanx Jarek, what would I do with out you? Like a bandage on my mental wound.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Rafal W.:
Thanx Jarek, what would I do with out you? Like a bandage on my mental wound.
I thought more like a pain... haha

but we're drifting off the topic again

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Jarek A.:
Rafal W.:
Thanx Jarek, what would I do with out you? Like a bandage on my mental wound.
I thought more like a pain... haha

but we're drifting off the topic again

Oh.. yea... Jez, Jerz, Jersey, New Jersey, The Garden State

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hi everone. Introducing myself as requested. I worked in Poland for about five years but still keep in touch and visit regularly.Dave Andrew edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.08.08 o godzinie 21:18

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

A very warm welcome to Dave Andrew, the guy with the mini car.

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hello everybody !!!

I joined the group some time ago but never had time to write even an introduction.
I use English almost everyday as I work in multinational company, very often travel abroad etc., but since for majority of my workmates English is not native language, I know there is still a lot for me to learn, that's why I'm here :)Iwona M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.06.08 o godzinie 21:39

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Very nice to meet you, Iwona.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

A warm welcome to Justyna Jarosz.

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

I've just been granted moderating powers here, so I thought you should know that. My career's blooming, wooooha!

Thank you.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

All bow to Lidia!

NOW I'd like to see if any brave nutcase will dare mention chest shaving/hardcore waxing.

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hello, my name is Michał. I have just found out that I should introduce myself to the group. I have been on Gl for a few days only and still don't know all the rules.
I hope you will not exclude me for writing this post.
I wrote a post a minute ago to another English group called "Do You Speak English" and I was immediately fired from the group.
I only politely protested against someone using a photo of a self-burning monk to illustrate conflicts on GL.
Can someone please explain to me what was wrong about my post?
Thank you.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Very nice to meet you Michal and welcome to the group.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Michał B.:
Can someone please explain to me what was wrong
about my post?

You disagreed with the general consensus. Only rule on this message board is - common sense, but even that rule gets bent a bit now and again.

Other then that... enjoy and welcome to the group.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Michał B.:
Hello, my name is Michał. I have just found out that I should introduce myself to the group. I have been on Gl for a few days only and still don't know all the rules.
S'up mate.
I hope you will not exclude me for writing this post.
Why would we wanna do that?
I wrote a post a minute ago to another English group called "Do You Speak English" and I was immediately fired from the group.
And you landed here. Good choice.
I only politely protested against someone using a photo of a self-burning monk to illustrate conflicts on GL.
One does not discuss with the rulers of "Do you speak English".
One that does is not welcome there apparently.
Can someone please explain to me what was wrong about my post?
Nothing was wrong with it. You hit a trigger (read a couple of lines above).
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Invoice on its way.Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.07.08 o godzinie 14:32

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

So :)), I'd like to intruduce myself. Huge fan of british culture (H. James, J.Austen, P.Greenaway), american style of working, actual begginer in english. Love photography, live in Paris. Like France but have some problem with french people ;). Dream but also try to become copyriter or art director. Sure to live one day in Brasil.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Anyway, very nice to meet you Adamina.

How about contributing to the birthday and geographical location thread?

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Oh, to much efforts for one afternoon ;))) Ok, then, let's see it.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Adamina Ludwika Lisiecka:
actual begginer in english.

You're kidding?? Or is this an idiom I don't know, meaning something completely different?

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Kamila Gołacka:
Adamina Ludwika Lisiecka:
actual begginer in english.

You're kidding?? Or is this an idiom I don't know, meaning something completely different?

It's not an idiom, it has to be my bad english...

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Welcome to our 500th member, Barbara Szymczyk.

Następna dyskusja:

What's wrong with a grope n...

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