Małgorzata P.

Małgorzata P. architektura zieleni

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hello My Dears

I joined this group and I hope u really gave me a nice pleasure to communicate with u :)my heart is full peace and love and Im sure brush up here this wonderfull language

take care friends:)małgorzata P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.11.09 o godzinie 21:04
Christian Kroczek

Christian Kroczek Tony Stark Sprzedaży
i Zarządzania
Relacjami z

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hello boys and girls,
Allow me to introduce myself: This is me.
Rgds.Christian Kroczek edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.11.09 o godzinie 01:22
Ewelina Dziełak Słowińska

Ewelina Dziełak
Marketing i Sprzedaż

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

hello :)
and nice to meet you :)

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hello everyone! I am so happy to be joining this group, I haven't spoke the language for the last couple of months and I was starting to worry that I might forget how to speak it:-)

Have a great day!
Magda (or MAZ if you prefer:-)Magdalena Węglowska-Król edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.11.09 o godzinie 16:31

konto usunięte

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hi, my name is Charlie and I am an alchaholic, whoops wrong place blah
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Charles frey:
Hi, my name is Charlie and I am an alchaholic, whoops wrong place blah

If you bring samples, it's the best place to be actually :))

konto usunięte

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

That could be arranged :) but I will have to give you the crappy american beer :)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Charles frey:
That could be arranged :) but I will have to give you the crappy american beer :)

I'm broke, hence I'm not picky...

konto usunięte

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

If anyone is new to 'Anglosphere' and would like to introduce themselves, please do so here:

If anyone would like to welcome a new member, this is the thread to do so:

Hi, I'm new. Just started a few minutes ago. I don't speak or read or write Polish so I don't know how I even got through the sign up page.

Anyway,,,,, I love Poland and Polish people so I signed up. I wish there was an English translated page to make things easier. I'll just keep poking buttons until I can make this thing do what I want.


konto usunięte

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

OK, I've got this figured out. Almost.

Funny story, maybe, about how I got here.

I grew up in an area of Michigan where there were lots of Polish people and many of my best friends were Polish.

I had been to Poland a few years ago and really enjoyed my stay.

I've been trying to find a nice country to move to for a while just to try out a different culture. Poland kept coming back to my mind.

About 2 weeks ago I woke up thinking about Poland. I went online and the first thing I read was some news story about Poland. I went to take my shower to get ready for work and heard on the radio that Poland is doing so well during this worldwide economic slump. It seemed odd that so many things about Poland kept popping up.

When I got to work I turned on Skype and decided to search for people in Poland who might like to chat. I found a wonderful woman and have been enjoying chatting with her almost daily. She pointed me to this site.

So,,,,, it was a very odd path but now I'm here. Hello!
Charlie Frey

Charlie Frey Cult Leader, Kicking
it with jesus

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Michigan, getting away from those wonderful winters huh? :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

It seems like - if you represent your persona with an image that depicts a nonconsenting person in an undignified way, maybe winter isn't your biggest problem.
Arkadiusz S.

Arkadiusz S. Think training's
hard? Try losing.

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Writing - 1
Understanding - 2
So, just reading ;)

Hello everybody
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Arkadiusz S.:
Writing - 1
Understanding - 2
Out of 2, right? :)
Arkadiusz S.

Arkadiusz S. Think training's
hard? Try losing.

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

ilter K.:
Arkadiusz S.:
Writing - 1
Understanding - 2
Out of 2, right? :)
Nop, out of 10? ;)

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

FYI: I haven't been a member or a moderator of this group for a couple of weeks (months?), and I've completely lost track of what is going on here :) My English is deteriorating, too :(
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Welcome back sister!! :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Don't talk to the strangers Bernd!
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

If I wouldn't, I'd never met you!

konto usunięte

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hello everyone, I'm back in the country since 12 long days. Left my job in London last summer, went to Asia and since then everything seems to be chaos. So I'm writing out of nostalgy. Don't want to be a kiss ass but I'm a nut case as far as English is concerned and I adore the sound of it (written word is good too, to start with)!

A little bit about myself... I’m an independent introvert, free in thought, word and deed, long for freedom and go to great lengths to achieve it, among people I'm gaining confidence with time (like to stand back to ponder experiences and observe them from many different perspectives), enjoy change/ variety in work and non-work life, expansive by nature. Oh and apparently my gift and my curse: I’m strong minded (but analytical) and once having sorted the facts out, communicate them in a straightforward direct way (my English ex told me once that England needs my honesty but I’m not so sure about it!). I usually calculate risks carefully before acting but if you piss me off… may God have mercy on your soul, because I, probably, won’t. I’m very impatient, can’t bear lies or cheekiness. I like to know where I’m going and for most, why. I reckon it's enough for now :)

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