Ewelina Dziełak Słowińska

Ewelina Dziełak
Marketing i Sprzedaż

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

im too shy to introduce myself but hi everyone :)

(and its nice to meet here the people who i know already :)))
John Abraham Godson

John Abraham Godson Radny Rady Miejskiej
w Łodzi

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hello everyone, My name is Godson- John Godson. I am kind engaged in various professional aspects
- English teaching
- City Councillor (Lodz City Council)
- doctoral research fellow in management (University of Lodz)

If I could be of any help in way please feel free to get in touch at godson@godson.pl or 698854777.

Bye for now.


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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hi John, I need a strong, friendly person to help me rip off all of the carpets in my house. Are you up for the challenge? Grill and extremely stimulating conversation to follow ;)

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

John Godson:
Hello everyone, My name is Godson- John Godson.
Hi John. Nice to see you here.
Is your wife's name Aneta, by any chance? :)

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hi John.

Didn't you use to live in Szczecin?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.11.09 o godzinie 18:02
John Abraham Godson

John Abraham Godson Radny Rady Miejskiej
w Łodzi

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Lidia K.:
John Godson:
Hello everyone, My name is Godson- John Godson.
Hi John. Nice to see you here.
Is your wife's name Aneta, by any chance? :)

Dear Lidia, Thanks for the welcoming. Yes my wife's name is Aneta. Do you know her?

John Abraham Godson

John Abraham Godson Radny Rady Miejskiej
w Łodzi

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

warren whitmore:
Hi John.

Didn't you used to live in Szczecin?

Hi Warren, yes I lived in Szczecin between 1993 and 1999. Do you live in Szczecin? I am trying to make the connection of where I may have met you. Please help!

John Godson
John Abraham Godson

John Abraham Godson Radny Rady Miejskiej
w Łodzi

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Andrzej Czopek:
Hi John, I need a strong, friendly person to help me rip off all of the carpets in my house. Are you up for the challenge? Grill and extremely stimulating conversation to follow ;)

Hahaha- Unfortunately I am not a good builder. I think Poles are very good in renovation work and building. I really admire this. But sorry- I can't help and also because of my very busy schedule. I hope were just joking ;-)


Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

John Godson:
Dear Lidia, Thanks for the welcoming. Yes my wife's name is Aneta. Do you know her?
Sort of. You and I met in the 90's at ChSA events a lot;)
We all have changed slightly, and pics don't help much.
So good to see you as a successful businessman :)

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

John Godson:
warren whitmore:
Hi John.

Didn't you used to live in Szczecin?

Hi Warren, yes I lived in Szczecin between 1993 and 1999. Do you live in Szczecin? I am trying to make the connection of where I may have met you. Please help!

John Godson

We have met a few times.

I believe we both worked at Progress at one time.

I also met you a few times at the British Council library.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

John, perhaps you remember Collins, another Nigerian in Szczecin.
John Abraham Godson

John Abraham Godson Radny Rady Miejskiej
w Łodzi

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

warren whitmore:
John, perhaps you remember Collins, another Nigerian in Szczecin.

Wow! What a small world. Yes I know Collins. I also remember working at Mr Kaliciński's Progress. Oh that was ages ago! So how are you? You have changed! Nice to reconnect. My contect details are godson@godson.pl or godson.uni.lodz.pl. Kom: 698854777, website: http://godson.pl

Thanks again for getting in touch.

John Abraham Godson

John Abraham Godson Radny Rady Miejskiej
w Łodzi

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Lidia K.:
John Godson:
Dear Lidia, Thanks for the welcoming. Yes my wife's name is Aneta. Do you know her?
Sort of. You and I met in the 90's at ChSA events a lot;)
We all have changed slightly, and pics don't help much.
So good to see you as a successful businessman :)

Dear Lidia,

Wow- definitely I remember my days working with ChSA (1993-1998). I have pleasant memories of those 5 years. Infact I just spoke at their conference about 3 weeks ago in Zakościele on their 20 years anniversary.

You could have a look at our family picture at: http://www.godson.pl/rodzina.html

Would be glad to get your update at godson@godson.pl or godson@uni.lodz.pl.

Thanks for responding.

John Godson

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

John Godson:

Hahaha- Unfortunately I am not a good builder. I think Poles are very good in renovation work and building. I really admire this. But sorry- I can't help and also because of my very busy schedule. I hope were just joking ;-)


I was jokingly testing your readiness to help "in any way" ;) Thanks for your willingness and sense of humor :) True, Poles are good at this type of stuff. I must be a weird exception. :/
John Abraham Godson

John Abraham Godson Radny Rady Miejskiej
w Łodzi

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Andrzej C.:
John Godson:

Hahaha- Unfortunately I am not a good builder. I think Poles are very good in renovation work and building. I really admire this. But sorry- I can't help and also because of my very busy schedule. I hope were just joking ;-)


I was jokingly testing your readiness to help "in any way" ;) Thanks for your willingness and sense of humor :) True, Poles are good at this type of stuff. I must be a weird exception. :/

I also felt you were pulling my legs. But if I could be of help in my area of specialty- as councillor, English teacher, consultant- then please feel free to let me know. Thanks again.

Wojciech Kulig

Wojciech Kulig Specjalista ds.
Rozwoju Aplikacji

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

I guess that the first thing to do in anglosphere is to simply say "Hi!" ;) so uhm... Hi ;)

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hi, John, and hi, Wojciech. :)

It's good to see you.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.11.09 o godzinie 19:49
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:



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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Bernd Schreckenberg:
That's when you slowly walk backwards out the same way you entered. :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hi everyone,

Is it a good place to meet nice people?? I'm sure it is.

Have a nice day :-)

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