Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Well, hi new you :)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

I'm new too.
I watched a documentary about a baby mammoth which lived X0.000 years ago. It was so sweet. The animated mammoth I mean.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Every day is new to me :P
Paweł Strzelczak

Paweł Strzelczak e-commerce

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hello, hello hello...:)
Paweł Strzelczak

Paweł Strzelczak e-commerce

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

such a nice welcome
i`m just waiting for a red carpet and free shoot`s (-;Paweł "pablo" Strzelczak edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.03.09 o godzinie 10:46
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hahaha... you wish:)
If you're tired with waiting you can start posting:PTatiana Z. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.03.09 o godzinie 10:56
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hi... I'm not new.
I...eeeeh... I am who I am :)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

It's gonna be Easter in Poland.
Do you have stuff like that over there? ;-)
Ewa Helena

Ewa Helena freelancer

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Bernd Schreckenberg:
It's gonna be Easter in Poland.
Do you have stuff like that over there? ;-)

where? in UK? I spent Easter over there, on the boat, there was rough sea (real gale) unfortunately and that`s the worst experience i`ve ever had :(
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hello everybody!
I feel it would be right to introduce myself again, or for the first time. I'm Keith, and I've had the best part of a bottle of czysta żołądkowa gorzka, and have decided to check out GL (again). I'm sure I'll regret it in the morning, but there you go. The most important thing to know abou me for those who don't know me is the following:
1. I have a wife and three kids, and I would die and kill for any and all of them.
2. I follow West Ham United.
3. My sense of humour is abstract.
4. I am pedantic.
5. I never lie (on GL, anyway).
6. I am VERY drunk at the moment, and I'm slightly worried about how easy and how inconsequential it feels.
7. ...
Aneta W.

Aneta W. "People are better
than no people..."

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

your grammar and spelling seems to be perfectly fine for somebody who is "very drunk"... I guess you are well skilled.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Hi Keith :)
I also have a wife and three kids. I like West Ham better than, say, Wigan or Portsmouth, but I can't say I am an avid fan.

I don't drink vodka. I have my reasons :)

Stick around! It's fun here :)

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Keith Byrne:
5. I never lie (on GL, anyway).

You must have been VERY drunk.
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

I don't have a wife and don't have any kids.

Hi there, Keith:)
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Keith is a Geography teacher.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Keith Byrne:
3. My sense of humour is abstract.
True, true...
Nice to have you back here, Keith.
Who of us do you remember?

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Violetta P.:
Who of us do you remember?
Ask him again, when he sobers up.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

Next year, when he gets drunk again, more likely.

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Temat: Welcome and Introductions:

3. My sense of humour is abstract.

That's what I always say... some people are random, others don't like broccoli.

Następna dyskusja:

What's wrong with a grope n...

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