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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

The State of Michigan is going to hear a proposal to extend the areas to which we're allowed to carry a concealed weapon (for all intents and purposes, that means firearms) to include schools and hospitals. They also propose to relax the eligibilty rules for license applicants. I'm thinking you still might need to tell someone your name, how many fingers they're holding up, maybe renounce under oath to a gun shop owner all loyalties to any other planet or star.

I'm confused. Should civilian citizens be allowed to a carry concealed firearm in the streets at all?

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

I am seriously reconsidering my US trip.

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

I am for and even against... will try to be devil's advocate.

Before the war ladies wore guns in their purses. They were low caliber, automatic pistols, miniature beauties. Made holes in bodies, o doubt about it, if a lady chose. Nobody made any fuss...

I think a question is to consider "civilian", proper self defense in-house, close range models and not offer military, police, combat designs. And such ammunition, that shot at the human trunk, disables, takes away air from one lung and not cause massive damage and internal hermorrage.

Idea for business, reconisder the arms market for civilians, pre-war 30s modelJacek K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.01.11 o godzinie 07:45

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Jacek K.:
I am for and even against...
Me too. I appreciate my rights on the one hand, although I'm not into guns at all. On the other hand, the people who wrote the US Constitution couldn't have imagined what the right to bear arms would mean 200 years into their futures.

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Jarek A.:
I am seriously reconsidering my US trip.
But in any gun violence ahead I would always be right behind you, 100 per cent. You already know that.

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Joj Y.:
would mean 200 years into their futures.

From my mil short experience. Each design has it tactical purpose.
soft thick 9mm unloads all energy inside, causes massive hemorrhage, is designed to kill... but not fly through and ricochet, to harm other people.
It was thought to behave like that.

For civilian purposes it should be small enough to punch a hole in body, and slow enough not to fly and kill a neighbor across the street. But good enough to take away the advantage of a big, vicious, muscular guy trying to rob, rape, etc.

Pre war small caliber automatic pistols fitting lady's purse will be ok for middle-class self defence. Hard shell, reduced energy, bullets will reduce fatalities. More tactical thought (how large clip, how precise, what training) should be given by self defence professionals. Purpose? Give a weaker a chance to defend against agression of the stronger.

In US you can buy practically military guns with some limitations. This is bad. If argument is to defend against gov, even in that role they are impractical, and dangerous to the unexperienced user and general public.

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

By a lady gun I do not mean that :-) Just for fun:


I mean sth like that, but even a smaller caliber, hard jacket lower speed projectile. New civilian tactical purpose bullet shall be invented... size fitting purse or a shelf in your car's dashboard...

Jacek K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.01.11 o godzinie 10:22

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Joj Y.:
Jarek A.:
I am seriously reconsidering my US trip.
But in any gun violence ahead I would always be right behind you, 100 per cent. You already know that.
To quote Chef from South Park: Operation Human Shield my ass! :)

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Joj Y.:
Jacek K.:
I am for and even against...
Me too. I appreciate my rights on the one hand, although I'm not into guns at all. On the other hand, the people who wrote the US Constitution couldn't have imagined what the right to bear arms would mean 200 years into their futures.
Is this what they meant?

Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Joj Y.:
... Should civilian citizens be allowed to a carry concealed firearm in the streets at all?
Noone should be allowed to have firearms at home as well - unless one lives in a very remote area with no police station around.

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Yes. One of interesting arguments...

First thing regimes do before they go for a mass genocide of whole populations is... promise their police/army force will provide security and no public ownership of guns is needed, allowed, permitted...

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Regime: It's their excuse here in the woods with their Anti-Aircraft Rifles (hehe) at their training compounds. We have The Militia people. There were or are some local ones. I just think they'e worried about their dicks, myself. Those are maniacs (they're more or less loosely networked with white supremacist groups).

The point about the ammunitions makes perfect sense, after all, especially in city streets. But it's too smart for here :)

Handgun protection doesn't compute in my mind. I don't feel it. I'm not worried about someone who wants to, though.

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Something just reminded me of a guy I knew who wanted to "license (his) hands as lethal weapons" at the same time as his 9mm. He thought you were required to in certain cases. "You must be the dumbest (expletive) under the sun, man." I told him. "Noone has to do that. But go, Tiger. For sure they'll do it on a napkin, one. But two, then for the rest of your life never even step on anyone's toes because you're saying 'I have tire chains and a baseball bat that I want to register as lethal weapons. Who do I talk to?'" I think some people get these firearms with an underlying bug in their brain about using them. He ended up getting run over by a car driven by some other guys after he threw a beer bottle threw their back window when were out one night and they squeeled back around and ran him over. Pre CCW permits.

Kind of a side note, I guess. :)

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Joj Y.:
I think some people get these firearms with an underlying bug in their brain about using them.

corpus amygdaloideum, reptile brain - we need to control ourselves all the time, regardles if it is shooting someone or "dropping bombs" like Mr. Kurtz wrote in pencil on the margin of his readings about assistance to other, needy cultures by Western Man.

This argument can be used to forbid us drive a car or keep sharp knives in the kitchen. And it is a sound one. Occasionaly people do horrible things.
But forbidding them firearms will not change it. There will be false statistics of less incidents of firearms used to kill. (There will be more of roadrage kills, hammers, knifes, poisons).

He ended up getting run over by a car driven by some other guys after he threw a beer bottle threw their back window when were out one night and they squeeled back around and ran him over. Pre CCW permits.

Kind of a side note, I guess. :)

My argument is for the weeker citizen to take away the advantage of the stronger criminal.

(Joj I am only practicing devil's advocate. Give now arms to Poles and they will go massacre each other over political dispute..., lack of arms tradition)

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Jacek K.:
My argument is for the weeker citizen to take away the advantage of the stronger criminal.
Should we take away the advantage of the oak by cutting them shorter just because the oak can get more sun than the maple tree?. Let me have my fun. Now that's the devil's advocate (and I'm joking). :)
(Joj I am only practicing devil's advocate. Give now arms to Poles and they will go massacre each other over political dispute..., lack of arms tradition)
You're being kind. I think they could handle arms thanks to the fact there is less incidence of "fatherless" kids having "fatherless" kids w Polsce. Most of our shooting violence here probably starts there.

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Fatherless kids, good argument. I must give it a thought.

For the time being I am against widespread and indiscriminate access to guns. I think some kind of driver's lincence for guns, a course and an exam, should be implemented.
But myself I would enjoy a kind of "female" automatic pistol in my pocket.
I live in Warsaw, Praga South, and often try to avoid a thug here, a drunk there, feel uneasy about my wife coming late from work. Especially I am afraid of knives. I often talk with intoxicated group of young folks try to be polite asking them to behave and not throw bottles and cigarette ends.
I would enjoy advantage against large shoulders, bottles and knifes.

I do not trust police much about protecting me and city authorities are quite happy to allow the growth of crime infrastructure by issuing permits for gambling and 24h alcohol sale without any constraint, eg. 50m from kindergarden there are 3 shops and 1 gambling booth.Jacek K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.01.11 o godzinie 01:09

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

A woman in one of the southeast states here bought a handgun recently, and she used it the other day to do her son in the back of his head and then her daughter in face. The kids had a genial record in the community but they had been talking back to her. I guess mom didn't feel too sexy complaining about what was bothering her because people would think she was an alien, and anyways, there was nowhere to go. Not an American Idol.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.02.11 o godzinie 02:31

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

Joj Y.:
A woman in one of the southeast states Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.02.11 o godzinie 02:31
Good lord... Suddenly 'Jersey Shore' doesn't sound so bad anymore.

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Temat: Weather Forecast for Michigan: Brass

On second thought, that would be a mental health matter. Not firearms. It could have been soup, as Jacek pointed out.

The "guns don't kill people. People kill people." Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.02.11 o godzinie 19:07

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