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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

Again, our dear leaders served us, the viewers (and voters) a rather unnecessary show which, in contrary to most mainstream media reports, is not about TU-157, pins, badges and dinner admittances.

Mr PM and Mr President were asked in polls (i.e. by the people) to seek compromise instead of heating up the already nation-wide debated conflict.

They apparently did not. I know it's actually a last resort but wouldn't it be good to limit presidential importance to merely representative status? Especially if both his and the PM's viewpoint is so much politically biased and the fight is just not about to end.

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

"We fight, they laugh" - I thought it's vice versa :)

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

"Them" meaning Europe or the rest of the world if you prefer.
I don't think there's much to laugh at anyway.
Anyone to post some comments on this disturbing situation?Andrzej Dobrucki edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.10.08 o godzinie 10:11

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

It is too easy to blame the two men (boys)at the centre of this spectacle that does no service for Polish politics and gives further ammunition to those who ridicule the Polish nation within the EU.However depite their childlike squabblings over the recent months and of course this most recent spat there is a bigger culprit. Recently Foreign policy has become a particularly sore subject because the Polish constitution does not clearly delineate responsibilities when it comes to this area. If the Polish constitution made it clear who was responsible for what then we wouldnt have the two bickering over this issue. Perhaps the constitution should have a footnote that includes: The private jet is for the government from Sunday to Wednesday and for the President from Thursday to Saturday.It would be fitting for such children.

Temat: We fight. They laugh.

Benjamin Horler:
It is too easy to blame the two men (boys)at the centre of this spectacle that does no service for Polish politics and gives further ammunition to those who ridicule the Polish nation within the EU.However depite their childlike squabblings over the recent months and of course this most recent spat there is a bigger culprit. Recently Foreign policy has become a particularly sore subject because the Polish constitution does not clearly delineate responsibilities when it comes to this area. If the Polish constitution made it clear who was responsible for what then we wouldnt have the two bickering over this issue. Perhaps the constitution should have a footnote that includes: The private jet is for the government from Sunday to Wednesday and for the President from Thursday to Saturday.It would be fitting for such children.
.... which means that it's again the lawyers and those alinated officials in Warsaw who fucked it up again!
Krzysztof Krzywdziak

Krzysztof Krzywdziak Właściciel Firmy

Temat: We fight. They laugh.

Andrzej Dobrucki:

I don't think there's much to laugh at anyway.

I think that only laugh left here...
I was few times confused during wathing tv-news.... when I saw discussions, explaining..etc..
Yesterday i heard in the radio, almost in each station, many disscusions, about this and that... radio-woice-man asked people what they think, what's they opinion about...

Finally I read and saw in wp, that MrDuck and MrDuck2 stayed in one place during photography-working :-)... and they was laughing eachother...

ergo: they laugh, so we shall
:-)Krzysztof Krzywdziak edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.10.08 o godzinie 23:17

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.


I find this hilarious.

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

the whole situation is hilarious, however this statement is not so funny for me. Maybe my values are a little bit oldfashioned, but everyone should respect the president. No matter how we hate him, no matter how we love him, we should respect him. If Polish people and the Prime Minister don't respect him, why should others do so?

On the other hand, such situation can be observed in recent 300 years of history of Polish nation. The legislative and executive are quarreling with each other all the time. Maybe we should change our democracy to one governed by one single leader with wide prerogatives (as in France, US)? What is your opinion? Will this solve such problems?

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

That, Karol, would only make matters worse. I never meant to say I find whatever the PM said to the Pres hilarious; I am rather amused with the whole situation and the way it makes both sides of the conflict aggressive or apologetic in turns. I am no longer interested in what politicians say, as long as they continue to do exactly the opposite.
As for respecting the President; I am sorry, I respect my friends, my family, my SO, I might even say I have more respect for Warren, who I keep falling out with. You can only respect those who have touched you and your life (or other people's lives) in a positive and meaningful way. Same goes for most of our politicians.

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

I'm a pro, concerning what Karol said.

A wide range of prerogatives for the head of government plus a president with a sole function to cut ribbons and stuff.

I belive, our current president isn't all that well versed with whatever is brought up in Brussels and his rather conservative views can but diminish Poland's position during the talks.

Right now it's really hard to tell who rules over what.
With such ambiguousness, it's a must to amend constitution with preceding act, that would once and for all clear out both PM's and P's responsibility.Andrzej Dobrucki edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.10.08 o godzinie 10:19

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

Perhaps I should clarify.
By respect to the President, I mean rather honouring his position, not his person and characteristics itself.
I do not adore the President very much, however I do not like what the Prime Minister said to him, especially in front of representatives of other European Union Member States.

I have an impression that the Prime Minister is a small hipocrit right now. Briefly saying, he stated that the President's attendance will weaken Poland in negotiations. Did he do preety much the same by saying "chcieć to Ty sobie możesz!" ???

Nevertheless, I still think that, if we want to avoid similar situations, most of the prerogatives should be vested to ONE of them.Karol Kowalik edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.10.08 o godzinie 11:03

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

Are you sure about this "Chcieć to Ty sobie możesz?". All press releases are here quoting Mr Kamiński, to whom the President allegedly "reported" the whole thing. Now I'm asking you, is it allright for the President to leak out his private talks with PM to the press, thus simply heatening the already critical situation?
Is the information credible and verifiable in your opinion?
Maciej J.

Maciej J. Konsultant

Temat: We fight. They laugh.

To tell you the truth, this whole situation is so ridiculous, that I’m beginning to wonder if its really that important.

As someone here already mentioned this affair is all over the news, internet, radio, even my boss talks about it! I’m starting to wonder if we’re not missing the main issue here, that being the summit it-self – can you honestly tell me, exactly the agenda of this summit without looking it up?

Try this out:
Go around, ask some of your friends when this topic pops up, can they really tell you all the issues being discussed at the summit at this time?
I personally feel that this situation is being blown out of proportion and is a bit of smoke screen/ distraction form the current problems and tasks Poland and the EU will be facing.

Secondly, I do believe that this is some attempt by the President ‘attach’ him-self to the possible important decisions made there or, in the event of negative public reaction at a later date, he can always say ‘well, the PM made my participation very difficult – but I did the best I could to stop this or that’. Naturally, this could work both ways ;)Maciej Jene edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.10.08 o godzinie 11:19

Temat: We fight. They laugh.

Karol Kowalik:
Perhaps I should clarify.
Briefly saying, he stated that the President's attendance will weaken Poland in negotiations. Did he do preety much the same by saying "chcieć to Ty sobie możesz!" ???
Did he really say that, Karol? I didn't watch this shit but if it's true I'd like to hear it. :)

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

None of us can be sure if these words have been really said. Perhaps, maybe it does not matter if they have been. The thing is that there are such suggestions, speculations, accusations that they have been said. This suggestions show that the relationship between the President and the PM and tragic. Both of them are guilty and do nothing to even try to repair it.
That is why it makes me sad, and sadness bears frustration.
Michał H.

Michał H. Aby do czegoś dojść,
trzeba wyruszyć w

Temat: We fight. They laugh.

On the other hand - we also heard, what Mr.President said about Mr.Wałęsa, and his new role in UE. But is it really important?

They both don't have good position, during very important for us - negotiations.
I'm afraid, we will observe it during next two years.

Temat: We fight. They laugh.

It's politics so it's always about accusations, speculations, suggestions and all this kind of rubbish.

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

PO should learn its lesson. The other party is already at the verge of extinction, thanks God.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: We fight. They laugh.

I wouldn't worry about people laughing. Who cares.

The important thing is, are they successful, do they work, do they take the proper measures to make this nation going further?

The things we laugh now will be forgotten very soon. I don't remember what was I laughing at for so long 2 days ago. I'm still trying to remember that capshun in LOLcats site. That's shite.
What the hell was that? Was it "Ebil plans are not werking on happi colord blankit"? what was it...

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Temat: We fight. They laugh.

Maciej Jene:
To tell you the truth, this whole situation is so ridiculous, that I’m beginning to wonder if its really that important.


You are right on target! This is exactly what that is. These are tactics used pretty frequently by government sponsored media. Best examples of this nonsense would be the CNN and Fox network… or pretty much all Clear channel owned media.

Następna dyskusja:

Meanwhile in Australia, fig...

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