Flavio D Amato

Flavio D Amato SM Expert; Process
Quality Analyst;
Lektor włoskiego;

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

I've fallen by chance into this quite freaky conversation... someone could be so kind to explain me what's up between Clare and Lidia? :)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Flavio D'Amato:
I've fallen by chance into this quite freaky conversation... someone could be so kind to explain me what's up between Clare and Lidia? :)

They are secret sex friends who take the piss out of each other in public ;P

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

How dare you, Herr Bernd!

Hello Flavio, what's your style?

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Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Flavio D'Amato:
I've fallen by chance into this quite freaky conversation... someone could be so kind to explain me what's up between Clare and Lidia? :)

Katarzyna is the 'freaky' one.

That is one crazy chick.
Flavio D Amato

Flavio D Amato SM Expert; Process
Quality Analyst;
Lektor włoskiego;

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Lidia K.:
How dare you, Herr Bernd!

Hello Flavio, what's your style?

I'm so sorry, but I'm not so sure what's going on downhere... Even though I'd like to answer you. My style concerning what? Life? relationships with human beings? Girls? Men? Foreigners?

If I should answer to the subject title, I'm split into two emispheres: the first one doesn't care so much about other's critics, especially when these are purposeless and/or without any true cause.
The second half is linked to my emotionality, since I'm human, after all, and some critics may influence my behaviour or some tracks of my self-confidence.

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Flavio D'Amato:
I'm so sorry, but I'm not so sure what's going on downhere... Even though I'd like to answer you. My style concerning what? Life? relationships with human beings? Girls? Men? Foreigners?
I'm afraid the internet cannot be explained :)
It's like life:)
And a box of chocolates!
If I should answer to the subject title, I'm split into two emispheres: the first one doesn't care so much about other's critics, especially when these are purposeless and/or without any true cause.
The second half is linked to my emotionality, since I'm human, after all, and some critics may influence my behaviour or some tracks of my self-confidence.
Oh, wow. Thanks for your answer. Read more:)
Since you're human :)))

konto usunięte

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Katarzyna M.:
does she really look 16??
36 maybe, but these days I can't tell the difference between a 19 year-old and a 39 year-old person at a distance.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 24.07.11 o godzinie 18:59

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Joj Y.:
36 maybe, but these days I can't tell the difference between a 19 year-old and a 39 year-old person at a distance.
maybe it's time you saw your optometrician?

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Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

I wish. In my case it's probably cognitive, or, what we used to call cortical blindness. That's when your eyes see but your brain doesn't translate the image.

(I also blame the junk they put in food these days, at least in the USA. 36DD 15 year-olds).

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

I think I need to see a diet consultant myself then. Or is it too late now?

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Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

You don't need a diet consultant to know how to feel like a woman, I suppose. Sexual imagery is for mama's boys. Men like women, and women are people who know what to do.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.07.11 o godzinie 06:00

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

mama's boys or cortical blindness boys :)
Anetta M.

Anetta M. AKME-Alfa Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Beta Sp. z
o.o./AKME-Gamma Sp.

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

I think I do care. I wish I didn't....

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Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Anetta M.:
I think I do care. I wish I didn't....
Don't worry. It keeps you out of jail. :)

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Clare Short:
Bernd and I don't care.


No wonder you don't. If I were you I wouldn't either. You look great! :-)
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Michal B.:
Clare Short:
Bernd and I don't care.


No wonder you don't. If I were you I wouldn't either. You look great! :-)

Actually we work on keeping our looks. Every Friday it's Cheesy Charlie's. Saturday The International House of Pancakes and Sunday we take it easy with only the littlest breakfast at McDonalds (or Burger King or Wendy's, no KFC though, that's not good for you).
And we have a Feng Shui consultant. I mean, it can't get any better, can it? :D

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Happy couple, that you certainly are! One can only envy you your lifestyle, diet, happiness and what not? And how attractive Clare became after the accident!

konto usunięte

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

I've heard that men who are planning sex reassignment surgery can expect to appear up to 20 years older as a female. Conversely, women can appear to be much younger in age as newly assigned males.

You're welcome, everyone.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Katarzyna M.:
does she really look 16??
She doesn't look 16.
She looks something else though.

Watch the video 4:48 - 4:57

She looks like a troubled person.İlter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.07.11 o godzinie 15:27
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: We don't care what others think of us:

Flavio D'Amato:
I've fallen by chance into this quite freaky conversation... someone could be so kind to explain me what's up between Clare and Lidia? :)
Clare is pretending to be somebody else. Actually she's a 50something year old dude from somewhere Britain or something like that. I don't remember the exact place he comes from.

I don't know what's going on between them lately, but you shouldn't take everything (or anything) he (Clare) writes here. Just imagine he is joking. İlter K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.07.11 o godzinie 15:30

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