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Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

From Ms. Park Jin.
South Kensington, 65-67
Queen's Gate, Cotonou
SW7 5JS,
Benin Republic

Dear. Mr.Lee Bum Suk

I am a wife to late Mr. John Edward Hye, who was a citizen of (UNITED KINGDON) my name is Ms. Park Jin Hye a woman who is honest, loving, caring, sincere, passionate, commited and devoted to a man and also I need some one with the same qualities that can handle this project arrangment as my partner.

Infact, we need to know each other well to avoid any serious mistakes on this inheritance claim, as I don;t have anything except this Money that my Late Husband left behind for I and my two kids, I am writing to seek for your assistance to present you as my Husband's relatives in order to receive my inherited Sixteen Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds in your Bank account and you will also help me to make arrangment for onward investment (industries) in your Country after the transfer into your bank account.

I know my message will come to you as a surprise and also make you think if all this is possible? Yes, I have arranged with my Late Husband ;s Lawyer and he will take care of all the neccessary procuement untill the fund remit into your bank account, All I want is your honest cooperation to see this transaction through, you might think that you are not ralated to my Late Husband, How can that be possible? I will assure you that the lawyer will do everything that will make the bank release the fund into your bank account shortley.

Hong leong Bank Managment Malaysia haved asked me to present the relatives of my Late Husband within 21 official working days to enable them released the fund to me, Otherwise they will conficate his account, Therefore, I seek the consent to present you as my Late Husband 's relatives because my Husband's families are all after me and I don't want them to know about this money, So I need your Assistance since i will present you as my husband relative,i want my Money to be invest wisly in your Country if you can assist me.

Therefore,on receipt of your positive response, we will discuss about the sharring rito and the modality for the transfer, I will also introduced you to my family Attorney for documentation and also to instruct you on what to do next.

My Direct line is"( +22994189345)
My Direct Line (pjinhye@yahoo.com)Let me know if you can assist me.
Ms. Park Jin Hye

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Lee Bum Suk:
My Direct line is"( +22994189345)
Give her a call. Make sure it's a collect one. Go on ranting about the hardship of life for hours.

Stan K.

Wypowiedzi autora zostały ukryte. Pokaż autora
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Stan K.:
Bernd Schreckenberg:
Od: Fatima Omar abdel <fatnkaje05@yahoo.com>

Witaj mój piękny drogi,
Mam na imię Fatima, jedno młoda dziewczyna, łatwo będzie, uczciwy, troskliwy, uprzejmy, skromny, kochający, spokojny i szuka starsze osoby z poczuciem humoru i miłości, a widząc w niej sposób

You missed on your lifetime opportunity, Bernd :-))

Why, do you know her? ;p

Stan K.

Wypowiedzi autora zostały ukryte. Pokaż autora
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Stan K.:

Why, do you know her? ;p

Eeeh, Bernd, Bernd.... młoda dziewczyna, łatwo będzie, uczciwy, troskliwy, uprzejmy, skromny, kochający, spokojny i szuka starsze osoby z poczuciem humoru i miłości, a widząc w niej sposób . What better can you expect in life ? :-)))

I don't know. Going to ask my wife.

Następna dyskusja:

Anybody for a Warszawa meet...

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