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Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

This one is real, though :) An actual con man from Africa caught by NBC.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

This is not German :D

Od: mail <94521aa@terra.es>
Do: brak adresatówData: Poniedziałek, 4 Stycznia 2010 22:23
Temat: Gutan Tag

Gutan Tag
ich bin Anwalt, mein verstorbener Klient, der mit seiner Frau im Jahr 2007 bei einem Autounfall starb hinterlegt EUR.2.810.000.00, in einer der Banken in Spanien im Jahr 2003, bevor er starb. Erhielt ich einen Brief von der Bank, wo mein Mandant hinterlegt das Geld in 2003 hat die Bank mir das bieten, Verwandten, dass das Geld beanspruchen wird. Ich erbitte die Ihnen erlauben Sie mir, Sie als sein Verwandter auf der Grundlage der Tatsache, dass Sie eng mit mir zu diesem Erfolg zu erzielen. Er lebte und arbeitete hier als Ausländer. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie so interessiert, dass ich Ihnen weitere Einzelheiten und einschlägigen Unterlagen, die Sie an die Bank für die Freigabe der Mittel kann man werden. Alles, was ich verlangen, ist Ihre ehrliche Zusammenarbeit, damit wir sehen dies durch.
Ich garantiere, dass diese im Rahmen einer rechtmäßigen Anordnung, die Sie von einer Verletzung des Gesetzes zum Schutz ausgeführt werden und wird Sie über die Details auf Ihre Antwort kurz. Wir teilen das Geld 50/50%. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Telefon-Nummer für meine Telefonkonferenz mit einzubeziehen sofort höre ich von Ihnen. Bitte, wenn Sie interessiert sind, dies zu tun mir bitte kontaktieren Sie mich,Wenn Sie interessiert sind, senden Sie bitte das fellowing Informationen zu mir, und ich werde Sie für weitere Informationen wenden Sie (1) vollständigen Namen (2) mobil telefone (3) Alter (4) Staatsangehörigkeit (5) Beruf . in meiner persönlichen E-Mail: aboglaw@aol.com
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Fair enough ;)

Michael Williams <mikewilliasj3@katamail.com>
Odpowiedz na adres: <budplanmikewillias19@centrum.cz>
Do: <mikewilliasj3@katamail.com> Data: Wtorek, 23 Marca 2010 03:46

My name is Michael Williams from Nigeria,I have a proposal that will give us a lot of money,get back for details with some of your information like your full name, Age,occupation,Address,Phone Number and others


Thx Micheal, how much do you want? :P

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Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

I have one more...

----- Original Message -----
From: egosalmfbank@aol.com
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 11:58 AM



We confirm receipt of your invoice that goes with your fund transfer valued
EUROS 73,577.50(SEVENTY THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN EUROS FIFTY ONLY) as per your sent Proforma invoice no 1057 dated 18.03.2010 Authorize by ASHLEY & BROTHERS COMPANY LIMITED.

for onward transfer to your company account as the beneficiary.To enable us proceed kindly reconfirm your full banking information to enable us cross check from our file, be informed that you will present to us a guarantee certificate for Foreign Exchange Clearance from (FEDERAL MINISTRY OF JUSTICE ABUJA NIGERIA ) As soon as we site the Guarantee Certificate together with affidavit of claim we will transfer your fund and this fee cannot be deducted from the principal sum as your fund is hold in Escrow account.

What need from you is an affidavit of claim duly signed by the authorized signatories of your company and the said affidavit will be attached to the documents we are going to send to our affiliate bank in UK and such affidavit will empower the bank to transfer and also to enable the bank know that we are in line with your company.

Again, we have instructed our legal department to prepare the affidavit of claim in good order which after they will send to you to retype in your company letter headed paper, signed and return back so that the leading lawyer at the legal department will take it to high court for official legalization and approval with seal of placement stamp and signature by high court judge here before sending it along with other document to our affiliate bank, we assure you that as soon as we are okay with the full documentation you will confirm your payment with 24 hours.

We demand that once your attorney Here in Nigeria obtain the Guarantee certificate for the Foreign Exchange Clearance from (FEDERAL MINISTRY OF JUSTICE ABUJA NIGERIA) together with the affidavit of claim to enable us approve your payment.We have submitted your invoice to our legal department to contact your company direct for the guarantee certificate.


Thanks for your kind understanding and hope to hear from you shortly.

Prof, Emeka John
Bills & Foreign Exchange Dept.
For:Egosal Micro Finance plc Nigeria RC NO 103002
Central Business District
125, Market Road, Aba.
Direct Fax: + 234 (0) 82871513
Tel No: + 234 (0) 703-885-6578

This mail and the contents originated from the system and email database of Egosal Bank Plc Nigeria, is for the mentioned person(s) and it is confidential.If you have gotten this mail wrongly, kindly send back the mail to us and delete from your system as we in turn apologize for the inconvenience.
Any email received and send from this system (email address) is for official purpose ONLY.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Od: j_parks <j_parks@hargray.com>
Do: brak adresatówData: Piątek, 9 Kwietnia 2010 07:30Temat: (brak tematu)

My name are JASMINE "SMILIE" PARKS a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army and a member of the USARPAC Medical Team that was stationed in Baghdad, Iraq.

I want to share important information about my experience while serving with the U.S 1st Armored here in Iraq that would be of mutual benefit to us. I however cannot reveal all the information now due to the fact that we have not yet agreed to cooperate in this mutually beneficial enterprise.

In other words, I am constrained to hold back some information for security reasons for now until you have find the time to visit the BBC website links below to enable you have an insight into what I intend to share with you, hoping that the information contained there will pique your interest one way or the other.

Please see the BBC news website below;


After digesting the information contained in the website I will like a confirmation of that so that we can discuss a matter of high importance and mutual interest. I must confess that I am very uncomfortable sending this message to you as I cannot predict your reaction, you may misconstrue the importance and decide to go public, which will be rather unfortunate. With the worse in mind, I have to say that the essence of this message is strictly for mutual benefit.

I will be more explicit upon a response from you. Please respond with a confirmation that you have visited the website and that are keen on learning more. I will await your thoughts via my personal contact email "JASMINESMILIEPARKS@mail2army.com"

Thanks for your time,
LT. Jasmine Parks
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today


My name is Emmanuel Alberto, I am the branch manager of a Bank
Ecuador. I got your information during my search on on the Internet.
I am 46years of age and married with 2 lovely kids. It may interest you to
know that I am a man of peace and I don't want problems,
but I do not know how you will feel about this because you may have double
mind. But I am telling you that this is real and you are not going to
regret after doing this transaction with me. I only hope that we can assist
each other. But if you don't want this business offer kindly forget it and
I will not contact you again.

I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us, as
the regional manager; it is my duty to
send in a financial report to my head office in the capital city (Quito
Ecuador) at the end of each year. On the course of the year 2008 end of
last 2 years report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the manager
made three million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar [$3, 750,000.00]
which my head office is not aware of it and will never be aware of. I have
since place this fund on what we call suspense account without any

As an official of the bank I can not be directly connected to this fund, so
this informed me of contacting you for us to work, so that you can assist
and receive this fund into your bank account for us to SHARE. Mean While
you will have 35% of the total fund, Note there are practically no risk
involved, it will be bank to bank transfer, all I need from you is to stand
claim as the original depositor of this fund who made the deposit with our
branch so that my Head office can order the transfer to your designated
bank account.

If you accept this offer to work with me, I will appreciate it very much as
soon as I receive your response I will give you details on how we can
achieve it successfully. Please contact me with this email address:

Emmanuel Alberto
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

How perfidiously, I got this one as a PM on goldenline!!!

Private Email;amadi_ugo003@yahoo.fr

Attn Bernd Schreckenberg LEGAL ATTORNEY & SOLICITOR
I am Barrister AMADI UGO , a solicitor at law, personal attorney to Mr.P.B Schreckenberg a national of your country.who used to work as a contractor and importer in Lome Togo.[West Africa]

I am the family attorney to (Late Mr P.B.Schreckenberg,a national of your country who died with his family in a plane crash On the 26th December 2003, my client, his wife and their only daugther were involved in a plane crash

I have made several attempts to locate any of Late Mr.P.B s relatives,all to no avail.

I have contacted you to claim the estate of Late Mr.P.B valued at US$8.5million since you share the same last name with him.

The bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his funds pushed into the government treasury.t was unfortunate that my client and his family all lost their lives in that crash.For more on the plane crash log on to news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3348109.stm
Upon receipt of your response i will give you the details of this transaction.

I have all necessary paperwork required to back you up for the claim.

Note that this claim is under legitimate arrangement.Thanks for your understanding , waiting to hear from you urgently for more updates,This is the info i need from you below so that we can commence.

1)Your Full Name................................................
2) Private Telephone & Fax................................
3)Your Nationality..............................................
4)Your lD...................................................
5) Your Profession..............................................
6) Your Private Email..........................................

Yours truly
Barrister AMADI UGO . (ESQ

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Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Here's a good one:

I was a sceptic, that was for sure.
But I thought – with a 100$ guarantee, if it doesn’t work, I’ve got nothing to lose.
Unbelievably, not only does your product work – it works AMAZINGLY well.
I can’t believe I didn’t hear of it earlier from other men, but I’m guessing that most people don’t want to let the competition in on such a good thing.
Well, not me – I want everybody to know, this is the answer to changing your life.
Believe me, your wife or girlfriend will know the difference.
John K, California

Stan K.

Wypowiedzi autora zostały ukryte. Pokaż autora
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Od: Fatima Omar abdel <fatnkaje05@yahoo.com>

Witaj mój piękny drogi,
Mam na imię Fatima, jedno młoda dziewczyna, łatwo będzie, uczciwy, troskliwy, uprzejmy, skromny, kochający, spokojny i szuka starsze osoby z poczuciem humoru i miłości, a widząc w niej sposób
zabawy, i zamknąć wiedzieć, że możesz być zaskoczony, jak mam adres e-mail, to, surfując w sieci, w rzeczywistości, i podziwiał ją i pochodzących zainteresowania korzystanie z tego sposobu komunikowania się z Państwem w związku z tym, proszę spróbować skontaktować się ze mną directlty w wyżej adres e-mail, i uwierzyli, że możemy rozpocząć tutaj, abyśmy mogli dalej przyjaźni tym wysyłając swoje zdjęcia bezpośrednio do Twojej skrzynki e-mail, a także
więcej informacji o sobie do Ciebie na mojej następnej odpowiedzi do Ciebie too.hope usłyszeć od ciebie najwcześniej.
Fatima. http://korepetycje4all.pl
Hello my lovely dear friend,
My name is fatima,single young girl,an easy going,honest,caring,polite,humble,loving,calm and searching for a mature person with good sense of humor and love,rather seeing it as a way
of fun,i quit know that you might be surprised how i got your email address,it was while surfing the net,in fact,i admired it and derived interest to use this medium communicate with you therefore,could you please try contact me directlty in the above email address,i believed,we can start from here,so that we can further our friendship including sending my pictures directly to your email box and also
details more about myself to you on my next reply to you too.hope to hear from you soonest.
fatima. http://korepetycje4all.plh

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Od: Fatima Omar abdel <fatnkaje05@yahoo.com>
Hello my lovely dear friend,
My name is fatima,single young girl,an easy going,honest,caring,polite,humble,loving,calm and searching for a mature person with good sense of humor and love,rather seeing it as a way
of fun,i quit know that you might be surprised how i got your email address,it was while surfing the net,in fact,i admired it and derived interest to use this medium communicate with you therefore,could you please try contact me directlty in the above email address,i believed,we can start from here,so that we can further our friendship including sending my pictures directly to your email box and also
details more about myself to you on my next reply to you too.hope to hear from you soonest.
fatima. http://korepetycje4all.plh

She admired your email address.

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Od: Fatima Omar abdel <fatnkaje05@yahoo.com>

Must be some cousin of Paula Abdel ;)

Btw, you seem to get lots of this stuff... You should have known that browsing Geileomas.com may end up like this.

Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Seems like an occupational hazard: Putting my ads on korypetecje sites and then being swarmed by horny Arab women who see some sexual connotation with my email address ;D

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Seems like an occupational hazard: Putting my ads on korypetecje sites and then being swarmed by horny Arab women who see some sexual connotation with my email address ;D

I wonder what is so conspicuous about "hunglikethegrandnationalwinner@bernd.com"?
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Marcin B.:
Bernd Schreckenberg:
Seems like an occupational hazard: Putting my ads on korypetecje sites and then being swarmed by horny Arab women who see some sexual connotation with my email address ;D

I wonder what is so conspicuous about "hunglikethegrandnationalwinner@bernd.com"?

Shhhh, dummy, that's OUR address of correspondence ;D

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Bernd Schreckenberg:
Marcin B.:
Bernd Schreckenberg:
Seems like an occupational hazard: Putting my ads on korypetecje sites and then being swarmed by horny Arab women who see some sexual connotation with my email address ;D

I wonder what is so conspicuous about "hunglikethegrandnationalwinner@bernd.com"?

Shhhh, dummy, that's OUR address of correspondence ;D

Oh, OK, sorry mate, totally forgot about it, totally, like.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

Has anyone received a spam mail in GoldenLine?

I've just seen a spam in my GoldenLine message Inbox with the title:
"Form Mrs Julian Duke".
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

İlter K.:
Has anyone received a spam mail in GoldenLine?

I've just seen a spam in my GoldenLine message Inbox with the title:
"Form Mrs Julian Duke".

Yep, see above. So far I got two :)
Must be my fading popularity ;P

konto usunięte

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

İlter K.:
Has anyone received a spam mail in GoldenLine?

I've just seen a spam in my GoldenLine message Inbox with the title:
"Form Mrs Julian Duke".
I didn't mean to plus. You'll think I'm plussing whenever I hear a bird outisde. Tourette's syndrome or something like that :)

I wanted to write that I don't remember ever receiving a GL spam mail.
Richard  Harradine-Robins on

Artistic Director,
Globe Theatre Group.

Temat: Watch out guys for , I got this mail today

I was born and raised in Africa, Kenya to be precise, and someone asked me the other day if Africans in general were lazy. I replied not more than any other set of people,
ie. the English, the Italians (not the Germans....or the Poles for that matter) but they love a scheme. No matter how outlandish (65 million dollars has been lying dormant...as if)they will pursue it to the ends of the earth, believing that by putting a lot of time and effort into getting a plausible sounding proposition (to their ears), they are ENTITLED to some financial reward.They put wishful thinking onto another level....

Następna dyskusja:

Anybody for a Warszawa meet...

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