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Temat: Video of 7/7 London suicide bomber kissing goodbye to his...

Home video of London suicide bomber kissing goodbye to his baby daughter:


Any comments?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 24.04.08 o godzinie 22:43
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Video of 7/7 London suicide bomber kissing goodbye to his...

warren whitmore:
Home video of London suicide bomber kissing goodbye to his baby daughter:


Any comments?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 24.04.08 o godzinie 22:43

Yeah I've got a comment: what a daft cunt

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Temat: Video of 7/7 London suicide bomber kissing goodbye to his...

A daft cunt indeed.

He should have learned from the experiences of the 9/11 bombers.


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Temat: Video of 7/7 London suicide bomber kissing goodbye to his...

I don't know if this thread is supposed to be purely light-hearted or not. Generally, regarding the actions of suicide bombers (assuming that they are genuine, and aren't simpletons that have been duped into it - as has been alleged by US forces on occasions) I am not surprised by their actions. They believe what they believe, and they act accordingly. All of us, if we believe something and are certain that others have got the argument wrong, we'll stick with our original beliefs.
When the issue is something as serious as God and protecting the true religion, then the stakes are higher and the gestures to defend and promote the belief become more 'extreme'.

I do wonder sometimes if some of the fanatics are lost in life, perhaps suffering from depression or something similar, and have been befriended by extreme religion as a source of guidance. Many vulnerable people latch onto something to give them strength, beit evangelism, buddism, a vegetarian/celibate/narcotic free life, etc.

So, even if I don't agree with such people's actions, and am scared about where it could all lead, what they do doesn't surprise me.

P.S. Though I do wonder whether they really are attracted by the harem of virgins thing.

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Temat: Video of 7/7 London suicide bomber kissing goodbye to his...

Steven H.:
I don't know if this thread is supposed to be purely light-hearted or not.

Not at all light-hearted, merely thought provoking.

I just put the link to the video up without a comment.

People can make of it what they will.

It provokes emotions of outrage, contempt, hatred, pity, sorrow and all of these together.

Very powerful stuff.

Steve, how should we react to these 'martyrs'?

I regard 'the Onion' response to be the most appropriate.

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Temat: Video of 7/7 London suicide bomber kissing goodbye to his...

I haven't watched the video yet as I only have internet access from a cafe with a relatively slow connection, until I get home later today. I think I can imagine the content though.

The Onion story is funny for me. I like that kind of humour, and unfortunately only discovered Private Eye magazine in the last year or two. If you choose to read it you can enjoy it. If it is offensive for you you won't get it forced on you; you make a conscious choice to start reading.

Hmmmm. I was going to say that if you mock these terrorists' beliefs you are also mocking muslims generally, as their religions come from the same roots, and differ in the the existence of, or direction of, extremeties.
However, before stating that I realised that Christianism seems able to take jokes. Why is this? From what I see on Goldenline it seems that Poles too are able to joke about religion and the church just as much as the British - and this is despite the fact a lot more Poles are real believers and practise their faith, unlike the British.

I can't say that I have any alternative ideas for dealing with the problem of terrorism*. That wasn't the point of my initial comment. I simply wanted to say that if people genuinely believe something, nomatter how misguided, it isn't surprising that they follow it through to a conclusion.

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