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Temat: Vacation/holidays

Have you already planned your summer vacation?

Or maybe you prefer working in June, July and August and take some time off early in autumn?

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

Working my ass off as high season till September. Then get to travel round the world till late November. Might take son for vacation in August, for a week or two; now he's going with his father.
I normally plan mini-breaks in the summer: a weekend here and there.

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

I'm taking a week off next week actually. It's been very intense 6 months, plus finally it's summer in Ita (its' been raining for almost 2 months!) so some nice, fresh, clean mountain air will only do me good.

I am forced to take 2 more weeks (10 more days off my annual holidays cup!) in August, as 90% of businesses close down for the hottest period of the year. No plans so far, though.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Vacation/holidays

Was going to go to Rome until some wanker from Centralwings phoned to inform me they'd changed the days of the flight... That's cool, but unfortunately it no longer coincides with the dates I'd booked for the hotel.

It was weird: I booked with Centralwings and ever since I started to hear nightmare stories about them....

And it turned out to be true - how on Earth can anyone run an airline in that way?

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

You should have ASKED ME. CentralWings are no longer reliable, and it actually started last summer. This year, when we prebooked half the fucking plane, they took the money, and told us a month later the flight schedules were changed and the flight was off. Splendid. At least we got the money back.
You could try Alitalia, the only problem being you might not get your bags once you get to Rome as, apparently, ALitalia likes to send your bags in all directions, except the right one.

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

Tatiana S.:
You could try Alitalia,
the only problem being you might not get your bags once you get to Rome as, apparently, ALitalia likes to send your bags in all directions, except the right one.
True. I fly quite often from (and to) A'dam to Genoa via Milan. A few times my bags (luggage, Keith!!!) were sent to France, Germany, one time to Spain even. And he "meals" they serve... I should have skipped brekkie...

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

Jarek A.:
True. I fly quite often from (and to) A'dam to Genoa via Milan. A few times my bags (luggage, Keith!!!) were sent to France, Germany, one time to Spain even. And he "meals" they serve... I should have skipped brekkie...

I've never flown them, simply because every single conference, there's someone who's lost their bags and can't wear proper clothes to all events, not to mention business workshops. Imagine arriving in Spain on a Sunday (all stores closed!) and realizing you've got nothing to wear, except hotel gift store T-shirts :)

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

Tatiana S.:
I've never flown them, simply because every single conference, there's someone who's lost their bags and can't wear proper clothes to all events, not to mention business workshops. Imagine arriving in Spain on a Sunday (all stores closed!) and realizing you've got nothing to wear, except hotel gift store T-shirts :)
Right. I wouldn't have ever flown with them if I'd ever had that choice. But until not long ago I didn't. I work in an Italian company and our internal policy was to use Italian suppliers whenever possible. The policy was changed recently. We're now free to pick any airlines we want. Ticket prices still remain an issues of course.

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

So, people, how has your vacation been going so far?
I managed to get away for a week in July, and am now thinking of somewhere nice and warm for the last two weeks of August - Egypt maybe. The Polish seaside sure is lovely, but I only managed to get in knee deep as the water is so cold!

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

And it's crowdy.

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

I was in Chłapowo and it was very nice, just families with kids, a nice and clean beach, and not too expensive. I did go to Władysławowo once or twice and didn't enjoy it.

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

I did some travels with family. Went up north to Canada for a week, camping, music etc... I am heading out to San Francisco beginning of September... other than that... heh... all work and no play.
Sylwia Łubkowska

Sylwia Łubkowska Nauczyciel oraz
tłumacz j.

Temat: Vacation/holidays

Tatiana S.:
You should have ASKED ME. CentralWings are no longer reliable, and it actually started last summer.

Correction: it started at least two years ago (which is when I flew with them for the first and hopefuly the last time ever. Was stuck in Gatwick for 12 hours until some merciful Croatian airline flew us back to Warsaw at 4 am.

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

I desperately need a break. I'm completely lost in the jungle of last minute offers. Can anybody suggest a place to go for a week?

Edit: a warm one!Violetta T. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.02.10 o godzinie 12:35
Marcin Jasiński

Marcin Jasiński Global Leader | CEO
Advisor | Management
Consultant | mjt...

Temat: Vacation/holidays

Violetta T.:
I desperately need a break. I'm completely lost in the jungle of last minute offers. Can anybody suggest a place to go for a week?

Amsterdam maybe?

Personally, I am going there on Tuesday for a week. Seems a great place for someone who desperately needs a break.

Good luck with your search!


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Temat: Vacation/holidays

Violetta T.:
I desperately need a break. I'm completely lost in the jungle of last minute offers. Can anybody suggest a place to go for a week?

Edit: a warm one!Violetta T. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.02.10 o godzinie 12:35
The South of Egypt (Aswan) ... Sunny and 24 degrees

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Temat: Vacation/holidays

Thank you, I'll consider these.

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