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Temat: Trivia Quiz


In which castle on the Isle of Wight was Charles I imprisoned before his execution?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.08.08 o godzinie 10:10

konto usunięte

Temat: Trivia Quiz

Violetta P.:
Marry them if you are a man, get friends with them if you are a woman.
Sorry Violetta, but the very answer is:
- Burn!!!!!!!!

Carisbrook Castle


What is the capital of Assyria?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

Calah is the earliest capital of the Assyrian Empire, and its last was Nineveh.


What position has been known to be used as an official cover for intelligence agents?

Tatiana, you`re right. To be more precise - a cultural attache.Violetta P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 22.08.08 o godzinie 22:16

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

Official cover. Most CIA employees engaged in operations overseas are given official cover: a sham job in the U.S. embassy (or working for another government agency) that affords them diplomatic immunity. These spies work under varying degrees of secrecy—the CIA station chief in a major ally nation may be well-known on the diplomatic cocktail circuit, but his subordinates, who actually recruit new informants, may not be. Such spies probably confide in their immediate families, but otherwise are unlikely to reveal their true occupation. (Although some operatives working in allied nations are "declared" officers, which means the CIA informs the host government that they are spies.) The advantage of official cover is that if officers are caught, they enjoy the benefits of diplomatic protection; at worst, they'd be publicly outed and sent home in disgrace.


What color is the center on an archery board?

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