Temat: Trivia Quiz

Tines (?)


In which UK city did Adolf Hitler live for a year?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

He didn't.


What are the five wonders of Wight

Temat: Trivia Quiz

"Lake" where there is no water.
The "Needles" you cannot thread.
"Ryde" where you walk.
"Cowes" you cannot milk.
"Freshwater" you cannot drink.
"Newport" you cannot bottle.
"Winkle street" where there are no Winkles
"Newtown" which is very old

As for Hitler, your answer is correct. However, there are stories that he stayed in Liverpool (1912-1913) with his brother. :)


What's the name of the Polish football player who was killed in a car crash near San Diego, the USA?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

Kazimierz Dejna

What do foxes, a monkey and a devil have to do with weather?Patrycja P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.08 o godzinie 12:28

Temat: Trivia Quiz

They all appear in phrases used to describe the weather when it's raining and the sun is shining at the same time (a monkey's wedding, the foxes' wedding etc)


How many children did Queen Victoria have?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

Nine kids within 17 years.

Who provided the voice for Bugs Bunny?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Trivia Quiz

Mel Blanc


What have Bill Murray, Jim Carrey and John Candy got in common?

I meant they're all Canadians, Michał, but I suppose your answer is also right :-)Keith Byrne edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.08 o godzinie 15:38

Temat: Trivia Quiz

They were all comedians.


How tall was Napoleon Bonaparte?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

It was documented at 5'2" when an autopsy was performed, however that was in French feet. He was actually was 5'6 1/2". Which actually was average during that time. He was an average size Frenchman when he was emperor.
(Wiki Answers)

What animal lives in a sett?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Trivia Quiz

A badger


Why don't Polar bears eat penguins?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

the polar bear inhabits the Arctic and the penguin inhabits the Antarctic, living nearly 12,000 kilometres apart!

Why is water wet?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

The "wetness" is only a sensation caused by water's ability to "cling" to our body. I'll google it up, but this is what I remember from a Discovery Channel program.
Thanks to being "wet" water has low viscosity.


How many players are there in a polo team?

Temat: Trivia Quiz



What does the "W" stand for in George W. Bush's name?Michał B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.08.08 o godzinie 20:53

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

Weasel... ermm... Walker.

Which country was the first to definitively link lung cancer and cigarette smoking?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

Germany (?)

What is the second "perfect number" in math?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz



What are the 27 herbal ingredients of the 999 Trejos Devynerios herbal balsam that I`m drinking now?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

* Buds of black poplar (Populi gemmae)
* Paprika fruit (Capsici fructus)
* Cloves (Caryophylli flores)
* Oak bark (Quercus cortex)
* Marigold blossoms (Calendulae flores)
* Bay laurel leaves (Lauri folia)
* Peppermint leaves (Menthae folia)
* Dill fruit (Anethi fructus)
* Hawthorn fruit (Crataegi fructus)
* Common wormwood herb (Artemisiae absinthii herba)
* Fragrant pepper (Piperis aromatici fructus)
* Lovage root (Levistici radices)
* Great wild valerian root-stock (Valerianae rhizomata cum radicibus)
* Cone of the hop (Lupuli strobulus)
* Bigarode pericarp (Aurantii pericarpium)
* Alder bark (Frangulae cortex)
* Willow bark (Salicis cortex)
* Caraway fruit (Carvi fructus)
* Birch buds (Betulae gemmae)
* Meadow-sweet herb (Filipendulae herba)
* Saint-John's wort herb (Hyperici herba)
* Saint-Joseph's herb (Hyssopi herba)
* Milfoil herb (Millefolii herba)
* Thyme herb (Serpylli herba)
* Silverweed root-stock (Tormentillae rhizomata)
* Mountain-ash fruit (Sorbi fructus)
* Sweet brier/eglantine fruit (Rosae fructus)
* Ethanol 40% (Ethanolum 40 %)
What are the official languages in Belgium ?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz

Flemish (Dutch), French, German.

(That was easy).


How many inches in a foot, and feet in a yard?

Temat: Trivia Quiz

1 foot = 12 inches
1 yard = 3 feet


What was the name of New York's first state prison?

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Temat: Trivia Quiz



What is the sugar found in milk?

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