Krzysztof Kania

Krzysztof Kania Inżynier systemowy
Cisco (CCNA R&S,
Voice, Security)

Temat: "There is" or "There are"

Hi all,

Which form is correct and why "There is no business needs" or "There are no business needs". I think that the first sentence is correct. A colleague is arguing that the second one. Who is right?

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Temat: "There is" or "There are"

The second one is correct - "are" refers to plural forms such as "needs".
Krzysztof Kania

Krzysztof Kania Inżynier systemowy
Cisco (CCNA R&S,
Voice, Security)

Temat: "There is" or "There are"

And what about the rule that in such sentences the form of 'be' used is chosen to agree with the logical subject not with the existential there? That is why I need an answer from native.

konto usunięte

Temat: "There is" or "There are"

Panie Krzysztofie, powiem wprost - w tym przypadku nawet nie ma potrzeby zagłębiania się w takie reguły. Zdanie "There is no business needs" zawiera błąd na poziomie gimnazjum. "is" jest formą pojedynczą, "needs" jest formą mnogą, więc to się nie zgadza już na poziomie podstawowym. "is" mogłoby być jeszcze do formy niepoliczalnej, ale "needs" taką formą nie jest.

Ale proszę bardzo, proszę czekać, aż jakiś native odpowie :)
Róża Ś.

Róża Ś. Księgowa

Temat: "There is" or "There are"

In this case the word "business" plays a role of an adjective and it determines the word "needs". "Needs" is plural so the correct form is "There ARE no business needs". The verb "to be" agrees with "needs" not "business".

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