Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: The World's First Cocaine Bar!

Joj Y.:
Me likey Raf's statistics. I always do. I'm not buying the tobacco-435,000-dead-marijuana-zero-deaths, though. High dose weed smokers develop pulmonary symptoms and lung functions get impaired, and large airway changes happen. The same long-term impacts in cigarette smokers that are related to the chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases may not be clear in a younger, daily marijuana user yet, but may manifest later on. It's just not clear, but in some toxicological sense, smoke is smoke.

Hemoglobin has about a 300 times greater affinity for binding with carbon monoxide than for oxygen. Cigarette smoke effectively steals food from cells. I don't know about marijuana smoke - but it can't exactly be fortifying (and those sheesh smokers who think they are smoking healthy? Pfff Uh...it's smoke , brutha).

Still, cannabis is an effective drug for treating nausea and vomitting in cancer patients, and it enhances appetites in people who have AIDS. It works for some glaucoma patients. Why there is any argument about using it in mainstream pharmacology is beyond me, no matter what the arguments are about collateral damage. I would advocate for anyone using it in spite of any local law governing it.

(In terms of addiction in recreational users, any drug that reduces anxiety or makes someone feel good can cause dependence. But I have never heard of anyone saying "God, help me stop smoking this weed." In fact, when someone is in a treatment program for marijuana use, it's usually because they have been ordered into it thanks to a positive test at work or whatever else. Personally, I have smoked maybe ten cigarettes in my life, marijuana, hash. I never crave marijuana, but sometimes I can sense a vague craving for a cigarette. That speaks to me about the addictive properties between the two. Other drugs are a different matter, in general, of course. The cocaine bar users and proprietors are begging for trouble).Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.08.09 o godzinie 19:55

I do agree - smoke is smoke.. but what of brownies my friend? haha

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Temat: The World's First Cocaine Bar!

Oooo...yup. Ya got me there. :)))
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: The World's First Cocaine Bar!

Joj Y.:
Oooo...yup. Ya got me there. :)))

If you get a chance... this is a pretty cool documentary.

Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: The World's First Cocaine Bar!

Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: The World's First Cocaine Bar!


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Temat: The World's First Cocaine Bar!

Rafal Wolk:
Joj Y.:
Oooo...yup. Ya got me there. :)))

If you get a chance... this is a pretty cool documentary.
I did get a chance, and I agree. It is a cool documentary.

Thanks. :)

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