Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: The world is your oyster...or your money back!

A jobless woman in the US is suing the college where she got her batchelor's degree, claiming they didn't try hard enough to get her the job leads she needed to gain employment.

What are your views on this? If society blames the parents of wayward children, shouldn't it also blame the Alma Mater of wayward (non-) workers?

Or does she simply have a chip on her shoulder?

Perhaps it's the fault of her high school guidance counsellor, who should have warned her about doing a course with little employment prospects?

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Temat: The world is your oyster...or your money back!

"They have not tried hard enough to help me," she wrote about the college in her lawsuit.
The question is whether or not it is a duty of a college to help the students find a job. I don`t think it is.

On the other hand, she is very creative about crisis management.

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Temat: The world is your oyster...or your money back!

It would be interesting to find out how much Monroe College brags about their success rates concerning graduates' job finding after obtaining a degree there. I'll bet Keith's right arm it's 97 or 98 per cent.

Colleges and Universities here advertise those rates in a marketing effort that's designed to increase enrollment, hence revenue. They are gouging students with tuition rate increases these days. If I were a liberal judge I would hear the case. 70,000 USD? Try 7,000,000. Who knows, though. Maybe they just deserved each other.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.08.09 o godzinie 17:42

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Temat: The world is your oyster...or your money back!

Joj Y.:
Maybe they just deserved each other.
Indeed, they have taught her well.

Seconded 100%!

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