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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Dont take Warren seriously Alicja - hes just taking the piss and expects you to follow suit in a humourous manner too. Warren is from the esteemed Aardvark Society and this also should should be taken ito consideration. He really doesnt mean anything personal.
Violetta "I perfectly know what I have to or don`t have to do, thank you" is rather condescending and uncalled for and does no good in preventing these wars.

Fuck we are behaving like the republican party with all this infighting. Cant we just be nice and abuse Sarah Palin?Benjamin Horler edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.11.08 o godzinie 21:12

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

hahaha... yes,we will!

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

why abuse?



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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Do you think that gun is real?

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

http://www.theimproper.com/Template_Article.aspx?Issue...Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.11.08 o godzinie 21:28

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Thanks Jarek- The trees in the background are definitely greener.

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

bashing Sarah is so easy
you really enjoy it?

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

No I do it because she is a woman.What do you think?

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Lidia K.:
bashing Sarah is so easy
you really enjoy it?

And you don't, Lidia?

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Alicja Efejska:
Lidia K.:
bashing Sarah is so easy
you really enjoy it?

And you don't, Lidia?
not really :)
sorry for disturbing - no need to criticize something if you like it - enjoy!

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Lidia K.:

And you don't, Lidia?
not really :)
sorry for disturbing - no need to criticize something if you like it - enjoy!

You probably didn't see much of her on TV?

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

I don't have a TV, Alicja
EOT, sorry.

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Lidia K.:
I don't have a TV, Alicja
EOT, sorry.

This explains why you are angry with us! Some of her appearances were quite comical.It's not just my view. I'm sure the guys here will be able to provide some examples. I loved the way she cleared her nose. :)

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

I hate Sarah Palin and it has nothing to do with her anti-reproductive freedom stance. It has to do with a hunting program in Alaska which Governor Palin is an active promoter of. Under this program bears and wolves are either shot from the air or chased by air to the point of exhaustion. The pilot then lands and the “hunter” kills them.

Palin offered a bounty of $150 per wolf in order to promote the killing of wolves in Alaska. In order to collect the bounty shooters had to present a forelimb of the dead wolf.

In the past year state employed biologists killed 14 wolf pups after shooting their parents.

Palin also actively opposed a ballot measure campaign seeking to end the aerial hunting of wolves by private hunters and approved a $400K state funded campaign aimed at swaying votes on the issue.

And that’s just the beginning. Palin’s record on environmental issues is abysmal - at best.

Palin continues to question the validity of global warming and our responsibility in it, defying worldwide scientific consensus. And her “drill here, drill now!” approach to energy issues will do nothing to ease the causes of global warming, promote the use of clean, renewable energy sources nor break our addiction to foreign oil.

Sarah Palin on Endangered Species:

Palin has repeatedly opposed the listing of endangered animals under the Endangered Species List despite overwhelming scientific evidence that such listings are warranted. Specifically, Palin opposed the listing of polar bears on the list despite top marine biologists in Alaska agreeing that polar bears should be listed.

Palin recently filed a suit seeking to overturn the listing of polar bears.

Palin also has an issue with beluga whales and opposes the listing of such whales as endangered despite the fact that their numbers have decreased from 1300 in the 1980s to about 350 today. The reason for her opposition? It would interfere with drilling for oil and gas.Benjamin Horler edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.11.08 o godzinie 23:01

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Alicja Efejska:
hahaha...yeah I agree!
Especially when I also refuse to date those fake men he creates here. His last creation is this profile:


Look how obscene this guy is!

I didn't create this profile, and know nothing whatsoever about it.

If you seek to prove you are not an 'airhead', you are certainly going about it in a strange way.

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

warren whitmore:

I didn't create this profile, and know nothing whatsoever about it.

If you didn't then I'm sorry. I was pretty sure it was you.

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Lidia K.:
bashing Sarah is so easy
you really enjoy it?

I would say there is a serious point to this 'bashing', which is not merely to be abusive.

If McCain had become President and then died in office, she would have become the most powerful person in the world.

You simply can't have someone with her apparent simplicity of intellect in such a position.

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Alicja Efejska:
warren whitmore:

I didn't create this profile, and know nothing whatsoever about it.

If you didn't then I'm sorry. I was pretty sure it was you.

Well, thank you for the apology, but there was never any good reason for you to have thought this.

Contrary to what you stated, I have never been a member of a single group this man belongs to.

But thank you for demonstrating my contention to be well-founded.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 09.11.08 o godzinie 00:00

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

warren whitmore:

Well, thank you for the apology, but there was never any good reason for you to have thought this.

Well, you always attack me for no reason at all, I thought it was just one more way of doing this. :(

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

warren whitmore:
I would say there is a serious point to this 'bashing', which is not merely to be abusive.
I thought the purpose of the thread is the opposite but ok
If McCain had become President and then died in office,
That's very true, and shows the issue in a different light. Thanks.

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