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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

YouTube - Fox News: Palin didn't know Africa was a continentwarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.11.08 o godzinie 16:56

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

warren whitmore:
YouTube - Fox News: Palin didn't know Africa was a continentwarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.11.08 o godzinie 16:56

hahaha... It's probably true about nearly every Republican candidate of recent times.

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

I detest the woman for her ignorance,her stupidty,her redneck mentality,and for outright slandering of Obama but be careful when you slate her as it seems that her former aides are pinning everything on her and making her the scapegoat.Alot of what is said is based on truth but there are somethings that are false. She is a moose fucking airhead but we have to give her credit where its due and thats for spawing a whole load of new pornBenjamin Horler edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.11.08 o godzinie 17:02

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

OMG!!! ARTICLE ON AIRHEAD ATTRACTS AIRHEADSwarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.11.08 o godzinie 17:08

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Benjamin Horler:
She is a moose fucking airhead but we have to give her credit where its due and thats for spawing a whole load of new pornBenjamin Horler edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.11.08 o godzinie 17:02
hahaha.. it's great again!

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

warren whitmore:
OMG!!! ARTICLE ON AIRHEAD ATTRACTS AIRHEADSwarren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 08.11.08 o godzinie 17:08

Thanks Warren, as always, you left your good manners on the plane to Poland?

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

It was rude of us to insult Sarah Palin and we hurt Warrens feelings.Didnt you know that Warren is a big fan of Sarah Palin. How would you like if someone who you shared the same IQ as, the same fetish for Moose as she does and the same tendency to be a loser in everything,and then we go and insult his idol.

Warren we are dreadfully sorry for being so insensitive and its ok if you want to hang her picture in your bathroom and waste tissues on her.

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

hahaha...yeah I agree!
Especially when I also refuse to date those fake men he creates here. His last creation is this profile:


Look how obscene this guy is!

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

You got any proof of that?

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Jarek A.:
You got any proof of that?

No, but the previous ones have been removed as fake and I know Warren creates such fake profiles all the time.

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Fake or not, not much information about you in your profile, either.

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Violetta P.:
Fake or not, not much information about you in your profile, either.

But at least I have friends, this profile hasn't.

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

How much time did it take for you to collect them?

How long has "he" been here?

We don't know that.

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Alicja, if you care so much about Warren`s profile(s) why don`t you discuss your concern with him directly, sending him a PM?

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Jarek A.:
How much time did it take for you to collect them?

How long has "he" been here?

We don't know that.

ok Jarek, it's the same style of pickup as from the previous fake and now removed profiles. His groups are also more or less the same. There is always a lot of sex there. Why shouldn't I think it could be the same person?

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Violetta P.:
Alicja, if you care so much about Warren`s profile(s) why don`t you discuss your concern with him directly, sending him a PM?

You don't have to read it. Warren offended us publicly why should I be talking about it in private?

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

I perfectly know what I have to or don`t have to do, thank you.

You don`t have to post if you feel offended.

Such arguments don`t lead anywhere, Alicja. I`m just fed up with "wars", that`s all.

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

My goodness this thread is about Sarah fuckin Palin and can we stick to this fake and not any others.

Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Violetta P.:

You don`t have to post if you feel offended.

The problem is Violeta that when I feel offended I have to post! I can't let it go!

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Temat: The wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin:

Alicja Efejska:
The problem is Violeta that when I feel offended I have to post! I can't let it go!

Ok, enjoy then:(

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