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Temat: The Underground History...

In Poland we used to have plenty of it... the "real" untaught in school history passed on through generations by our grandparents and parents. Bits and pieces about things like Katyn for example... even now when facts are right on the table and we shouldn't have a shadow of the doubt about what took place, there are still those who doubt the actual outcome or even factual events. History however is funny like that, it is not only in the eye of the beholder but also it is only as accurate as those who report it...

When I was attending the American High School, we had the US history class in which we learned about the Revolutionary War, Civil War, Martin Luther King and we even touched up on Kent State... but there are some parts of the American History that for some reason are well hidden and unspoken... it took me a while to realize that "even" a place like the US has skeletons of pretty large magnitude that become visible only to those who know where to look...

One of them is The Weather Underground. I actually had the pleasure of meeting some people involved with this 60's movement who documented its history and were able to objectively discuss the history behind the history. For those who are unaware of this group, I strongly recommend this documentary:


UNDERGROUND, the 1976 documentary on the Weather Underground by Emile de Antonio, Mary Lampson, and Haskell Wexler.
Underground episode 1

another one is the story of "The Move"
