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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Two gay priests have had their union blessed by the Church of England.


Any opinions?

Will such a thing ever happen in the Catholic church?

Should it happen?

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

warren whitmore:
Two gay priests have had their union blessed by the Church of England.


Any opinions?

Will such a thing ever happen in the Catholic church?

Should it happen?

"But the Reverend David Banting said Mr Dudley and the couple were in rebellion against the teachings of the Church, and the guidelines and authority of the bishops and archbishops."

..not much of an opinion but just a question: if these two are in rebellion with the teaching (and consequently with the Church) why did they want church's blessing? ... Pure hypocrisy or really screwed up Church?

Will it ever happen in Catholic church?...when blacks are permitted to become members of Ku Klux Klan then nothing will surprise me anymore. If it ever happens Catholic Church won't be Catholic anymore. It'll be (UN mandated) The One And Only NEW World Wide Church that will do to other churches what EU is doing to all the nations of Europe (a few big wigs depriving nations of sovereignty)....well, I guess I just voiced my opinion...

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

warren whitmore:
Two gay priests have had their union blessed by the Church of England.


Any opinions?

Will such a thing ever happen in the Catholic church?

Should it happen?

As long as they feel they want to be a married couple and have gotten married because they want to commit, why not. Priest, police officer, nurse - what's the difference? Churches have evolved from people's needs to be sheltered by religion, and have been undergoing many changes; even the Amish have to acknowledge the fact that they're living in the 21st century. If they believe there's a god who should bless them to make them a happier couple, why not go ahead - religious leaders are, I think, far better off being in a relationship (man, woman, camel) than single (unless they feel this is the right thing to do).
Do you think the god they believe in had contacted them in person and said, "Go ahead, guys, I love and support you"? Or is it just a smart marketing strategy to attract more people into the C of E, as, with the wave of Polish immigrants, Catholicism has taken over?
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

warren whitmore:
Any opinions?

Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Nothing like the truth to get in the way of a good story. It wasn't a gay wedding - the C of E doesn't do them.

Such things happen all over the place - blessing a gay relationship has been an accepted tradition for many years (it has been available in Bulgarian Orthodox Churches for centuries), and happend discretely within the RC Church. Even in Poland.

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Jon M.:
Nothing like the truth to get in the way of a good story. It wasn't a gay wedding - the C of E doesn't do them.

Such things happen all over the place - blessing a gay relationship has been an accepted tradition for many years (it has been available in Bulgarian Orthodox Churches for centuries), and happend discretely within the RC Church. Even in Poland.

You what !?!

Links please, Jon.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 11:43

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Apparently gay clergy in the Anglican community are permitted to have partnerships, provided they are celibate.

What do you think about that, Jon?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 11:46
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

warren whitmore:
Jon M.:
Nothing like the truth to get in the way of a good story. It wasn't a gay wedding - the C of E doesn't do them.

Such things happen all over the place - blessing a gay relationship has been an accepted tradition for many years (it has been available in Bulgarian Orthodox Churches for centuries), and happend discretely within the RC Church. Even in Poland.

You what !?!

Links please, Jon.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 11:43

Too discreet to expand upon ;-)
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

warren whitmore:
Apparently gay clergy in the Anglican community are permitted to have partnerships, provided they are celibate.

What do you think about that, Jon?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 11:46

So many marriages end up virtually celibate after a few years...

But with so many problems in the world, the Anglican Church should stop counting the number of angels on the head of a pin and start addressing something important.

Not to mention the fact that their churches are so often all but empty.

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Response to Jon's post of 14.25:

Are you stating that gay relationships can be secretly blessed by the Catholic church?

Without breaking any confidences, surely someone must have referred to this on the great www.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 14:29
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

warren whitmore:
Response to Jon's post of 14.25:

Are you stating that gay relationships can be secretly blessed by the Catholic church?

Without breaking any confidences, surely someone must have referred to this on the great www.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 14:29

Anything within reason can be blessed, including a tank. Since sex without marriage is a sin, a sexual relationship cannot. A friendship however can, and the Catholic Church is a huge organisation. Members of 'Dignitas', the organisation for gay Catholics apparently do get up to that sort of thing, but very much behind closed doors. No shortage of priests willing, provided they don't get caught.

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Why is it allowed now and wasn't in the past? Why should religion change because society changes? The world is thousands of years old (in terms of religion). If the divine truth was x, y, z 3,000 years ago, then the divine truth today should still be x, y, z.
Surely the church should keep society in line. Society shouldn't be pulling the church along. The church shouldn't change its beliefs simply to keep up its ratings.

Re. the CofE. It is breaking up over such issues, so don't believe that this church is unified on the matter.

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Steven H.:
Why is it allowed now and wasn't in the past? Why should religion change because society changes?

Because it is religion? :-) A way of perceiving certain things by the society, not those things themselves?

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Kamila Gołacka:
Steven H.:
Why is it allowed now and wasn't in the past? Why should religion change because society changes?

Because it is religion? :-) A way of perceiving certain things by the society, not those things themselves?

Ah. And I thought it was connected with God's will...

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Steven H.:
Kamila Gołacka:
Steven H.:
Why is it allowed now and wasn't in the past? Why should religion change because society changes?

Because it is religion? :-) A way of perceiving certain things by the society, not those things themselves?

Ah. And I thought it was connected with God's will...

Religion, you mean, is connected with God's will? No matter which belief and values it holds? Hm, well -as some say - no thing can exist against God's will, so maybe everything is connected with God's will, even the cruelty.
Or maybe you mean religion as the way of approaching spiritual realm and God - that's of course easier to imagine as the God's will (which doesn't mean that's more possible).

Whatever you mean, religion still reflects the society's approach to life and death. Religion would not exist without society, would it. The phenomena religion speaks of perhaps would (just nobody would describe them and discuss them):-).
Anyway, I would differentiate between religion and the things it speaks of (the latter may stay the same for ages, the former may and inevitably will change), as well as between religion and spirituality.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

And as well as between religion (which is more the general philosophy created by some prophet) and it's denominations (which are more organizations made for "fulfilling" their religion easier).

(This opinion is actually controversial enough in Polish so I'm probably doing something stupid getting into the discussion this way. :O )

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Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

What I mean is that certain things were considered wrong by the church, and homosexuality is one (I'm not saying that the church is right or wrong on it).
I'm assuming that the church said it was wrong because they believed that God said it was wrong.
So I'm saying that this can't change. Society changes, but God can't change. God doesn't care about fashion or whether Oprah Winfrey believes in something or not.

Maybe this is more of a view of what religion is for. As far as I'm concerned it should be for people living with a fixed belief based on a fixed truth. If the 'truth' changes then it is a simple argument to junk religion.

konto usunięte

Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Jon M.:
warren whitmore:
Apparently gay clergy in the Anglican community are permitted to have partnerships, provided they are celibate.

What do you think about that, Jon?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.06.08 o godzinie 11:46

So many marriages end up virtually celibate after a few years...

... or motnhs. What bugs me is the RC idea that people who have gotten divorced might have a new relationship based on holding hands, otherwise it's a sin. I mean, come on! A relationship like that is no relationship at all, otherwise, why woould you god "create" a man and a woman or, to be more specific, the sex drive that works for both sexes no matter who's on the other end of the stick :). On the other hand, if you feel it needs a blessing... Look aroud your faithful RC brethren and sisters and see how many of them have had premarital sex. That answers Steven's question of why religion adapts itself to the society rather than its gods: it allows people accept it and follow it. I'm not saying you shouldn't believe in a supreme power ruling your life, but why make a religion out of it, especially if you mould it according to your own desires?

konto usunięte

Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Exactly. God is not fickle (if there is a God). So, a church which is supposed to represent his word should not change its values, otherwise it just becomes some kind of social club, like the Church of England.
The C of E is great though - flower arranging competitions, tennis clubs, amateur dramatics societies, garden parties, etc.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: The U.K. - two gay priests marry each other:

Steven H.:
What I mean is that certain things were considered wrong by the church, and homosexuality is one (I'm not saying that the church is right or wrong on it).

1. Which church? I assume that their church says something different.
I'm assuming that the church said it was wrong because they believed that God said it was wrong.
So I'm saying that this can't change. Society changes, but God can't change. God doesn't care about fashion or whether Oprah Winfrey believes in something or not.

2. But churches do change! That is the fact. If there is one which doesn't change, choose it, because it shows your beliefs.
Maybe this is more of a view of what religion is for. As far as I'm concerned it should be for people living with a fixed belief based on a fixed truth. If the 'truth' changes then it is a simple argument to junk religion.

3. Churches are made for fun, they are social clubs. Rules in a church has nothing to religion, treat it this way and everything works. Have you own beliefes, find a church with same and "enter". And it's very good that everyone can "make" his own church and that everyone (hopefully) can choose his favourite. And it would be even better if they didn't fight each other ;)

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