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Temat: The one?

Arvind Juneja:
and that's how you get banned for 24h just like Warren..
You mean you want to ban me? Because I didn`t send you a pm but had enough courage to post it in public? Ok, ban me. I don`t care.
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: The one?

Violetta P.:
Especially those with hidden profiles....
hidden profiles (made by using Privacy settings) are alowed.
other weird creations - no.

eh, so we started about who would you choose as your PR in this group and now we're talking about what and why @ GL...

Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: The one?

Violetta P.:
Arvind Juneja:
and that's how you get banned for 24h just like Warren..
You mean you want to ban me? Because I didn`t send you a pm but had enough courage to post it in public? Ok, ban me. I don`t care.
lol, not you, the one you've showed...
damn, chill people..

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Temat: The one?

Arvind Juneja:
lol, not you, the one you've showed...
damn, chill people..
Wouldn`t it be enough to delete the pic? Geeez, Arvind, don`t exaggerate!

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Temat: The one?

And now you ban someone to show 'balance'.

If V hadn't drawn it to your attention you wouldn't have done.

A good referee should not be influenced by the crowd.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.11.08 o godzinie 22:51
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: The one?

Violetta P.:
Wouldn`t it be enough to delete the pic? Geeez, Arvind, don`t exaggerate!
yeah it would, if that was the first time...

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Temat: The one?

warren whitmore:
If V hadn't drawn it to your attention you wouldn't have done.
Good point, Warren. That`s why I think someone drew attention to rafal`s pic.

I was a rabbit for 3 days and now I manage to be myself. Nothing happened. Surprise!

I hate those pic discussions!
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: The one?

warren whitmore:
And now you ban someone to show 'balance'.

If V hadn't drawn it to your attention you wouldn't have done.
wow, you're good.. no wait, your not.
oh man, get over it won't you? You've messed up few times and you know it.

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Temat: The one?

Arvind Juneja:
Violetta P.:
Wouldn`t it be enough to delete the pic? Geeez, Arvind, don`t exaggerate!
yeah it would, if that was the first time...

As far as I'm aware, it was.
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: The one?

warren whitmore:
As far as I'm aware, it was.
uh, Warren, let's just say you don't see as much as you think...

can't we just stop this discussion?
we are not going to achive anything with it...

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Temat: The one?

Arvind Juneja:
yeah it would, if that was the first time...
WE ARE ADULTS! When you start talking, I have an impression you want us to feel like idiots. Most of us don`t post anywhere else. No harm done if someone has a different photo for a while.

To be honest, you shouldn`t have deleted Grazyna`s photo, either. Maybe she wanted to show her son`s kite . Nothing wrong with it. She`s an adult, too. She`d change the pic soon.Violetta P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.11.08 o godzinie 22:58

Temat: The one?

A, can you stop being a policeman at 11 PM on Fri night?

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Temat: The one?

Arvind Juneja:
can't we just stop this discussion?
we are not going to achive anything with it...

It's turned into an interesting discussion on moderation.

To be a good moderator, or super-moderator, you need a thick skin.

And do things because they are the right thing to do, not because you imagine you have made a 'popular' decision.
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: The one?

yeah, let's not arrest a thief because he had a reason to steal the money...

i hate that kind of analogies but this is how it works... everyone has a reason to break the rules..

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Temat: The one?

You see, Arvind, there are hundreds of profiles with inappropriate pictures. Nothing happens. Get it? (I am NOT going to mention the erection lawyer AGAIN)
I could just now give you about 50 examples, but I'm far too busy worrying I might have offended Lidia, and considering virtual suicide.
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: The one?

it's a shame Warren you didn't have such a briliant thoughts when the time was right.

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Temat: The one?

Arvind Juneja:
warren whitmore:
As far as I'm aware, it was.
uh, Warren, let's just say you don't see as much as you think...

I've noticed a great many things, but never a 'non-portrait' avatar before.

(I mean from that poster ..... )warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.11.08 o godzinie 23:09
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @
Fangol.pl | Blogger
@ Fitback.pl

Temat: The one?

Tatiana S.:
You see, Arvind, there are hundreds of profiles with inappropriate pictures. Nothing happens. Get it? (I am NOT going to mention the erection lawyer AGAIN)
I could just now give you about 50 examples, but I'm far too busy worrying I might have offended Lidia, and considering virtual suicide.
I can give you mare than 50 of them so? there is a reason why I'm sittin here on 11pm on friday..

Temat: The one?

Arvind, I thought you wanted to integrate... :(

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Temat: The one?

Arvind Juneja:
I can give you mare than 50 of them so? there is a reason why I'm sittin here on 11pm on friday..
and messing with Rafal`s ...back

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