Temat: The one?

That's Adam's style, isn't it? :)Michał B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.11.08 o godzinie 21:33

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Temat: The one?

man, I so have a quote for that... *bites tongue*

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Temat: The one?

oh cmon now, we're all family here, we can let it all hang out from time to time.

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Temat: The one?

speaking of sehex:

(@tgitm): I still think its funny when girls say "size doesn't matter"
(@tgitm): if that's the case, why are dildos never small but beautiful?

wouldve been good for last 5ff's sighJarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.11.08 o godzinie 21:40

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Temat: The one?

Alicja Efejska:

Great! And why? Personal reasons?

nah... no particular reason, I'm just a dick.

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Temat: The one?

now that's related to my last post! ;)

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Temat: The one?

Jarek A.:
now that's related to my last post! ;)

Should I increase in size or have we achieved the climax?

… but getting back to the topic… I personally think that the group owner should represent each group, since it is his/her group. Other than that… I really find it rather hard to pick someone to represent a group of people who can represent themselves just fine.

Temat: The one?

Rafal W.:
I really find it rather hard to pick someone to represent a group of people who can represent themselves just fine.
A very PR thing to say, Rafał :)

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Temat: The one?

Lidia K.:
A very PR thing to say, Rafał :)

Well, thank you... you know how to reach me.

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Temat: The one?

I wonder what the PR person would have to do. Stand up and fight to explain why, all of a sudden, the most active members have put a Halloween themed pic in their profiles?
Suck up to GL management so that they don't make us pay for using the service?
Appear on Ewa Drzyzga show (whatever it's called) and talk about being addicted to Golden Line?

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Temat: The one?

Take beatin' for GL management?Jarek A. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.11.08 o godzinie 22:17
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: The one?

Tatiana S.:
Appear on Ewa Drzyzga show (whatever it's called) and talk about being addicted to Golden Line?
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: The one?

Now that's a good idea. Warren should do it!

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Temat: The one?

Tatiana S.:
Suck up to GL management so that they don't make us pay for using the service?

Well it seems this thread generated enough enthusiasm or sucking up (3 pages within 3 hours) that it appears that most of of the regular posters myself included couldnt help ourselves from responding.

I believe had this thread come from John or Mary Doe the thread traffic would never of been so impressive.

Hail to you Arvind our GL Community Manager. What a load of Bollocks!

EDIT: Did I get the Job?:)Benjamin Horler edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.11.08 o godzinie 23:29

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Temat: The one?

Michał B.:
That's Adam's style, isn't it? :)Michał B. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.11.08 o godzinie 21:33

Naaah, that's more like my style:


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Temat: The one?

Alicja Efejska:
HERE is the evidence!
Steve Jones I want the justice to be done NOW! I just demand it!!!!

'Sidewalk Blues' was by Jelly Roll Morton.



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Temat: The one?

Alicja Efejska:

Here's another dedication!


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Temat: The one?

And one from Adam, all the way from Warsaw:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNz2S69kwDwAdam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.11.08 o godzinie 00:50

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Temat: The one?

Adam, are you a member of anglo music?

There's a great dedication thread there.

http://www.goldenline.pl/forum/anglosphere-music/544148warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.11.08 o godzinie 02:10

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Temat: The one?

Jon M.:
Now that's a good idea. Warren should do it!
Warren has to be involved somehow. Would you disclude George Washington with respect to the States? No. You would not. hehe

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